BNC - Black News Channel
Channel relauches with the new logo, graphics, hosts and programmes.
Not sure about those graphics - maybe I’m biased because I’m completely against the concept of a news channel only catering to one race, but they don’t look half as good as NBC’s, ABC’s...
Andrew Neil’s GB News show
Details revealed on Radio 4 Media Show
There's this in the technical press, published today.
BBC Arabic now with Reith
Split from The BBC World News Thread
I completely and wholeheartedly agree!
End of a Yorkshire Duo
Goodbye to Gaynor & John
They aren’t moving to the Yorkshire division of GB News then! 
How news used to be broadcast
A discussion of the equipment used in news bulletins in years gone by
Ref your last point. It depended on the complexity of the production. Generally the DVE control panel(s) were within easy reach of the vision mixer and for something simple like ‘Blind Date’ the...
The BBC announce Local Election plans
Co-presented from London & Edinburgh
There's also a higher audience for the 6.30 slot than shoehorning it in a late slot after the Ten.
WOINews Sky Channel 523
At last, a channel whose captions don't obliterate the screen
Just noticed this channel on 527. Very nice presentation. A bit of a mix between old style Al Jazeera English and current TRT World. The on screen logo is well with 4:3 safe area. There's no...
Simon McCoy
Last day at BBC News
Yep-I think this is a question that won't be answered til After Easter.