
A member since 8 March 2021

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Final post



This has been a great discussion and I’ve enjoyed contributing. Please join us on TV Live Forum to continue the conversation if you would like to.

Thank you for your contributions deejay to this thread and the others you have responded to me on. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my (sometimes rather long!) list of questions. I'll definitely head over to TV Live Forum Smile

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How news used to be broadcast

Watching this video on YouTube and the following parts raises a few questions about what equipment they used to produce the news broadcasts back in the 1980’s.

Obviously tape was used to playout the VT’s (1” tape decks I’m assuming?).

There are frequent calls of “animate Quantel” during the programme which produces digital video affects. How does this work as it’s able to move the input that is currently live on air across the screen and then display the next item beneath it? How does it tie into the Preview and Program bus on the vision mixer?

They also refer to “Scanners” which I’m assuming are still stores? It looks like the graphics for the maps etc are also stored on these.

They also use Astons which are presumably typed out in advance and stored in the correct order so the next one is brought on the screen at the appropriate time?