- ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation, American Broadcasting Company
- ANI - ANImate; command for graphics to change to the next image
- Animation - A BBC name for a shorter identifier that runs before trails rather than programmes.
- ARC - Aspect Ratio Converter. Changes 16:9 widescreen to 4:3 ratio and back
- Aspect Ratio - ratio of width to height
- Aston - Name caption or "super" (superimposition) or CG
- Audio Description - A special sound channel which is used by certain programmes to include the addition of a narrative voice for those with sight difficulties
- AVID - Apple Mac non-linear computer video editing system
- BASYS - BBC News text based scripting system. Replaced by ENPS
- BASYS - Old News scripting tool
- BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
- BETA - Videotape format
- BETACART - Multiple tape storage/automation system used to transmit Beta tapes
- BIGTED - Gallery device which creates and display Astons or name captions
- BLACK & SILENCE - (B&B;Black & Burst) A source which provides pure black video, correct Burst and no audio
- BNCS - Broadcast News Control System; routes sources from one place to another. Can also control equipment at a basic level
- BOTH - Bottom of the Hour (xx:30)
- BSB - British Satellite Broadcasting - UK's only official government approved DTH satellite service. Concived in the mid-80s, it launched with five television channels in April 1990. It later merged with Sky Television on 31st October 1990 to become BSkyB
- CA - Continuity Announcer. A broadcaster whose voice is heard between programmes
- CAM - Conditional Access Module - hardware used to decrypt encrypted channels, when authorised to do so with a valid smartcard.
- CAP - Caption Graphic (old terminology); a picture or still
- CG - Caption Graphic = Aston = Super
- CI - Common Interface - a socket used for adding additional hardware, usally adding a CAM to a STB.
- CNN - Cable News Network (weblink)
- CODDED 2-WAY - Recording a 2-way (DTL) non-sequentially; answers recorded in vision with presenter questions recorded and added later
- COLUMBUS - Command processor that runs the transmission automation system
- CTA - Central Technical Area. Area which routes sources and destinations
- DCART - Digital audio recording and storage device
- DIGIGRADE - Same as TARIF but settings stored and remembered for later retrieval
- Digital 3&4 - Service operating digital terrestrial multiplex 2. Consist a joint ownership of ITV and Channel 4.
- DINGO - Digitally originated In News Graphics On screen. Full colour version of DOG. Also known as BUG
- DNC1 - Digital Network Control 1
- DOG - Digitally Originated Graphic. Used for insets and channel idents (Also: bug)
- DONUT - Sequence in which reporter at OS introduces a package and ends with a 2-way
- DSK - Down Stream Keyer. Part of vision chain, normally on vision mixer, where Astons, DOGs and DINGOs are inserted
- DST - DSat - Digital Satellite Television
- DTH - Direct To Home - satellite broadcasts intened for home viewing
- DTL - Down The Line (2-way) An interview with a contributor at an Outside Source
- DTT - Digital Terrestrial Television (Freeview in the UK)
- DTV - Digital Television
- dual illumination - Dual Illumination is when two uplinks try and use the same transponder
- DVB - Digital Video Broadcasting
- ECP - End Credit Promotion
- ENG - Electronic News Gathering; Same as FRV
- ENPS - Electronic News Production System - the news computer system developed jointly by BBC and AP. Replaced with OpenMedia
- ENPS - Electronic News Production System - the News computer system developed jointly by BBC and AP
- EPG - Electronic Programme Guide
- EPG - Electronic Program Guide
- FEEDS - Pictures sent by circuits from News Organisations
- FRV - Fast Response Vehicle; Vehicle equipped to record and transmit from any location
- FTA - Free To Air - television channel broadcasting that is viewable to any person with suitable equipment
- FTV - Free To View - a channel broadcasting with encryption, but without any fee payable to view it
- GFX - Graphics
- GLITS - Grahams Line Identifier Test Signal. Standard test used to check stereo audio chain. Left and Right legs at -3db. When combined into mono equal 0db (PPM 4)
- GSB - Granada Sky Broadcasting - provider of Granada branded channels; Granada Plus, Granada Breeze and Granada Men & Motors. Ownership consists of 51% GMG and 49% BSkyB
- HAL - Graphics moving image processor produced by Quantel
- HD - High Definition
- HDTV - High Definition Television
- Ident - An identification symbol (ident or symbol) is the name given to that which identifies a channel, traditionally the bit shown before a programme starts.
- iDSTV - Integrated Digital Satellite Television - similar to an iDTV, but with a built-in digital satellite tuner
- ITC - Independant Television Commission - regulator of UK-based television channels, UK cable and the UK's DTT platform
- Lambie-Nairn - Design company. They have produced the current BBC logo as well as idents for BBC One, BBC Two and the original C4 'Bricks' ident amongst others. (weblink)
- Live Link - An outside source to be available live on air
- LNB - Low Noise Block-Downconverter - box on the end of a satellite dish's arm used in the process of satellite reception
- LWT - London Weekend Television - franchise holder of weekend ITV programming for the London area.
- Mediahighway - Operating system used by digital terrestrial STBs and iDTVs
- MPEG - Moving Pictures Expert Group
- N6 - Previously the BBC News studio for BBC One/News Channel at Television Centre
- N8 - Previously the BBC World News studio at Television Centre
- NAGRA - small audio recorder
- NON-LINEAR - Digital information allowing easy re-ordering of material usually video and audio
- OB - Outside Broadcast
- OMNIBUS - Digital system for picture processing. Columbus being a sub-system
- OOV - Out Of Vision - Presenter voice is heard underneath still or moving pictures
- OpenTV - Operating system used by Sky digital satellite boxes
- OSD - On Screen Display
- OSG - On-screen graphic (usually a menu of some sort)
- OSN - On Screen Next. Graphic detailing the following programme on the channel
- PasB - Programme as Broadcast. Recording of live transmitted programme. Usually recorded clean without Astons.
- PHONO - Telephone interview
- PHONO COMP - Composite graphic showing contributor and location
- PIDLE - Programme Interruption Device Live Event. Visual device to come out of a current transmitted programme and go to a news event
- PIDLE - Programme Interruption Device Live Event. Visual device to come out of a current transmitted programme and go to a News Event
- Piece to camera - (PTC) Reporter in vision during a report; a "stand-upper"
- Pillarbox - Often happens when a 4:3 image shown on a 16:9 set
- PPM - Peak Programme Meter. Audio level indicator used by Sound Engineers. PPM 6 being the maximum allowed for audio distribution
- PPV - Pay Per View - programme, event or film purchasable on a 'one-off' basis
- PROFILE - Omnibus Hard Disk video recorder/player
- Promo - Pictures (and FX) to trail ahead to a feature
- PVR - Personal Video Recorder - device with in-built EPG and hard disc drive used for digitally recording programmes.
- Q&A - Question and Answer; a 2-way; a DTL
- RANT - Reporter piece to camera lasting approx one minute
- RC - Remote Control
- RVTB - Reverse Talkback. Same as SWTB but in reverse - others speak to Director
- SATVAN - Vehicle equipped to transmit to Satellite for the purposes of News Gathering
- SD - Standard Definition
- SDN - S4C Digital Networks - Operator of digital terrestrial multiplex A
- SES Astra - Society of European Satellites - Astra. Luxembourg based satellite operator.
- SHF - Super High Frequency - band of frequencies used for Satellite reception
- SMG - Scottish Media Group. (see "ITV") (weblink)
- SOF - Sound on Film (very old terminology)
- SOT - Sound on tape (old terminology)
- SOVT - Sound on video tape (old terminology)
- Sting - Any short piece of audio or video which accompanies an event, eg news headlines whose intention is to grab your attention.
- STU - Set Top Unit
- Studio C - The studio of BBC World News and BBC News at Five (UK) at Broadcasting House
- Studio E - The studio for BBC One/News Channel at Broadcasting House
- SYNC - A clip from an interview; Also an engineering term which identifies the start of a video signal
- T-Mail - E-Mail via Television Set
- TALKBACK - TB. Audio Communications tool for various locations to talk to one another to co-ordinate events. Primarily used by Director to Presenter and all ancillary staff. Always switched on so everything the Director says is heard at all times
- TARIF - Technical Apparatus for the Rectification of Inferior Film. Adjusts the colour, hue, blacks and gain of film for suitable transmission on TV
- TLS - The London Studios, former home of ITV/LWT
- TOTH - Top of the Hour
- TRACK - Correspondents voice piece
- TRUCK - Vehicle pictures are recorded or transmitted from
- TVC - Television Centre, former home of the BBC
- TX - Transmission; Instruction to transmit something for Directors
- TX OOV - Instruction to transmit pictures narrated live out of vision
- UHF - Ultra High Frequency - band of frequencies used for both analogue and digital terrestrial television
- UPSOVT - A clip of audio during a VT OOV (also known as UPSOT, UPSOF)
- UPSUM - Summary (of breaking news) for Presenter to use to recap
- VHF - Very High Frequency - band of frequencies once used in the UK for black and white television, now used for digital radio.
- VITS - Virtical Interval Time Signal. The top 28 lines of a TV signal used by Teletext. Also contains test signals
- VT - Videotape
- VT OOV - old terminology of TX OOV
- Widescreen - Images displayed in a 16:9 format