The Newsroom

BBC News General

As it says on the tin...... (March 2021)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
With everything currently dropping into the BBC World News thread due to the lack of a place to discuss anything general about BBC News, thought it might be good to create this new thread to keep things clean.
As longs no one discusses Look North Hull, that's not allowed now Zipper Wink
The news channel came from a green screen studio for a bit as the enquiry went to a break during news at one. Would it have been a weather studio?
Bail Moderator
The news channel came from a green screen studio for a bit as the enquiry went to a break during news at one. Would it have been a weather studio?

Beat me to it. No, it looked like she was Zooming from somewhere, looked awful.
Thank you for creating this thread. It was much needed!
davidhorman, Matthew_Fieldhouse and Roger Darthwell gave kudos
Bail Moderator
Is it new and interesting, make a new thread, if it isn't its dull because it doesn't warrant a new thread. Megathreads mean the tiny interesting pieces that happen day to day get lost in the depths. If its a tiny story like Newsreader looks like zoom put it in a thread, chat about it, then it'll naturally sink down once you've discussed it.

We've never stopped people making threads for interesting new things or even going over old topics.
Asa Admin
Exactly what Bail said. We've actively tried to stop megathreads for the last six months - I really don't know how else this can be better communicated. I'm pretty sure starting a thread offering nothing whatsoever is discouraged on any forum too.

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