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BBC Oneness - idents and presentation

"Watch this space" as BBC Creative respond to ident change request (December 2016)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
A former member
WMD posted:
So, after the hypothesising that Forest had become the ident of choice into BBC News and current affairs programming, none of the nations and regions used it into the One today. Network and several regions still using Swimmers, with Mountain Rescue in other regions.

Does this back up the theory that this ident has been rushed to air quite quickly and therefore regionally branded ones don't actually exist?

Surly All the films have no "oneness or BBC One...." on the actually films and the logo is added live as done over the past 25 years?
Why wouldn't the logos been burned in?

If clean originals are needed they'll be stored somewhere, but for playout surely it's all stored as is.
WMD posted:
So, after the hypothesising that Forest had become the ident of choice into BBC News and current affairs programming, none of the nations and regions used it into the One today. Network and several regions still using Swimmers, with Mountain Rescue in other regions.

Do the nations/regions actually have Forest though?

East Midlands certainly does - it was used yesterday. Seems that network and several English regions used Swimmers into the Six despite the Tunisia beach massacre inquest being one of the lead stories.
Just for amusement, here's a clip demonstrating how people moaned about the launch of the balloon idents. There wa sa lot of emphasis on the cost:
People learned to love the balloons- I can't see this happening with any of these idents except the cute doggy in the Mountain Rescue ident.
T0M posted:
People learned to love the balloons- I can't see this happening with any of these idents except the cute doggy in the Mountain Rescue ident.

You wait until the cute primary school ident launches! Very Happy
Mountain Rescue - V2:
Aired at 8pm junction and just now into Silent Witness.
Mountain Rescue - V2.
Aired at 8pm junction and just now into Silent Witness.

You just pipped me to the post, was busy editing its 1st TX at the time (below), shown 5.59am this morning.

Mountain Rescue #2 (1st TX):

...and a longer copy, shown at 9pm:
Last edited by D.Page on 16 January 2017 10:23pm - 3 times in total
John Koenig
T0M posted:
People learned to love the balloons- I can't see this happening with any of these idents except the cute doggy in the Mountain Rescue ident.

This is not a rebrand (BBC One), is it? More like a holder until the real rebrand comes.

I liked the balloons, very simple yet they had something, and were calming, something which the last two lots have not been. In fact I would say that about most TV presentation these days, it just not seem as simple and calming as it used to be. Too many things moving around and too much noise. In fact, I could apply that to the whole of the modern world!

Edit: So it is a replacement.

What a total half job, I despair when the BBC do things like this.
Last edited by John Koenig on 16 January 2017 9:50pm - 3 times in total
T0M posted:
People learned to love the balloons- I can't see this happening with any of these idents except the cute doggy in the Mountain Rescue ident.

This is not a rebrand (BBC One), is it? More like a holder until the real rebrand comes.

I liked the balloons, very simple yet they had something, and were calming, something which the last two lots have not been.

I think the Circles and to some extent, Rhythm and Movement, were just as calming as the balloons. It was just that the balloons managed to have a sublime and excellent soundtrack that signified this calming aspect of the idents.

As for Oneness being a 'holder', you only have to look at inconsistent branding devices such as the falling 'o' that signified the dying days of the circles, and even the use of end boards that formed part of the Circle package. Martin Parr on Points West earlier this month that Oneness is only for 2017. But why would you keep the current lot beyond that period of time? The tagline is the only thing going for such a set like that, and not a particularly good one at that.

If you removed 'Oneness' off the idents, what does it mean as a whole? Does it represent BBC ONE as a whole? Is it distinctive? Such a move would make it far more detached and lacking meaning, at all.

The whole of the BBC frankly needs a brand refresh and some level of consistency - though it's questionable if you really want to replace the iconic logo of 1997.

Mountain Rescue - V2.
Aired at 8pm junction and just now into Silent Witness.

You just pipped me to the post, was busy editing its 1st TX at the time (below), shown 5.59am this morning.

Mountain Rescue #2:

Only had noticed it at the 8pm junction! I was quite sure in my mind that Mountain Rescue was going to receive a second variant.

If only I had a capture card though...
Last edited by Rex on 16 January 2017 9:54pm
...Only had noticed it at the 8pm junction! I was quite sure in my mind that Mountain Rescue was going to receive a second variant.

My objection about it, though, is that it's too similar to Version #1. What's the point?

If you're going to have a Version #2, why not show this group of volunteers in a quite different situation? For example, show all of them sitting in a row on the stone wall by the roadside, chatting during a break from their work, and with, maybe one or two of them drinking a hot drink from a flask. Just show something different. Why can't they adopt a more creative approach? I cannot believe the sheer lack of thought with these Oneness idents.
...Only had noticed it at the 8pm junction! I was quite sure in my mind that Mountain Rescue was going to receive a second variant.

My objection about it, though, is that it's too similar to Version #1. What's the point?

If you're going to have a Version #2, why not show this group of volunteers in a quite different situation? For example, show all of them sitting in a row on the stone wall by the roadside, chatting during a break from their work, and with, maybe one or two of them drinking a hot drink from a flask. Just show something different. Why can't they adopt a more creative approach? I cannot believe the sheer lack of thought with these Oneness idents.

Most of these variants are quite half-hearted attempts at showing variety of the set - it's essentially almost the same thing.

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