Educational content on CBBC and BBC2 from Monday
TV Home Forum - "Biggest education offer in it's history"
CBeebies also started providing content from today.
Newsround Cuts Approved
The Newsroom - Ofcom approves move to focus online
They certainly have more PSB status than padding the NR bulletins in the 00s with Harry Potter plugs.
TV Guide of the Future
TV Home Forum - Which channels do you think will still be around in 2040?
True. It all hinges on IF. Independence of nations is a messy affair at the best of times - as to who gets what oil painting hung on walls of embassies worldwide just for starters. The BBC and...
BBC Oneness - idents and presentation
TV Home Forum - "Watch this space" as BBC Creative respond to ident change request
Yes, it was.
AnsweredNewsround Package 2018
Requests - Anyone have CBBC Newsround package?
Would you like to acknowledge and respond to Ittr's post as well? It is a very valid point.
Crackerjack 2020 Revival
TV Home Forum - It's Friday, it's 6 o'clock...
That brings back some memories from my "yoof". "Ooooh! I could crush a grape!"
AnsweredCBBC Class TV music 2005
Requests - Does anyone know the music to the CBBC Class TV music?