n these days of everything being CGI you almost forget this stuff was done with models at one time. 1991 computers probably weren't up to generating something like that, not on a BBC budget anyway. We had this same discussion in the EastEnders thread about the 1993 titles only a couple of weeks back...
I was rewatching that globe recently and - knowing what I know now about CGI - did think that it must have taken
to render a whole minute of that in 1991. In fact, probably most of 1990. Seeing that clip was very much a 'well obviously it must have been a model' moment.
Would be great if there's more surviving footage than just that short GIF. It looks like a fascinating kinetic model!
While looking for more, I've found a quick sketch, presumably by the ident's designer, Daniel Barber,
on this post by Bail. It appears to be from a book which I actually own but is currently on my desk at work, but I'll have to wait until I'm allowed back in the building before I can have a proper browse of that bit.
Last edited by thegeek on 18 April 2020 9:39am - 2 times in total