The Newsroom

US ELECTIONS 2020 Coverage

With added Impeachment 2.0 (August 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
scottishtv Founding member
The AP is fairly well-respected, and provides results to National Public Radio in the US (amongst many others):
Wolf Blitzer had briefly appeared with a CNN Projection giving results of the swing states on ITV News.
bilky asko
The AP is fairly well-respected, and provides results to National Public Radio in the US (amongst many others):

Indeed, just dropping in on the PBS coverage they explain how the AP use a lot of local knowledge in each state, and how they were (one of) the only people not to call Florida in 2000, hence why they use them as their source for calls.
The US Election 2020 set from CBS News is really impressive. It is clean, authoritative & professional. CBS News global partner, BBC News broadcasting tonight from London & Washington, similarly has really good visual presentation for this year's U.S. Presidential election. Both of these broadcasters IMO do have the best looking coverage of this year if you are into the best graphics presentation. The updated Washington studio for BBC News along with the Reith graphics that launched from less than a year ago, in where they are used for the 1st time ever for a U.S. Presidential Election results programme tonight, has probably sold it for me in improving the standards of their overall coverage by a huge margin to their viewers who are at home watching the projections coming in from each state.
Last edited by bkman1990 on 4 November 2020 3:53am - 8 times in total
mark Founding member
I'm loving CBS. They seem to be having much more fun than ABC and NBC - lots of laughter and they just had Stephen Colbert on.

Their studio looks amazing. I like how they've become the 'Times Square' network this year, while ABC - who normally are - are in their big but slightly soulless new studio elsewhere.

MSNBC is great too - a similarly friendly style to CBS and not too many ad breaks.
Good Morning Britain using ‘America Decides’ graphics on the videowall this morning, 2017 theme was also used at 6AM.
Moz posted:
Despite the current situation, just about everybody seems to have gone out to the US! I’m frankly not convinced on the value of having UK anchors sat on a freezing cold rooftop in outdoor studios in Washington for 7 hours.

Not quite freezing. Right now it’s 58° and a low of 40°.

Any chance of that in Celsius? I’ve no idea what 58 and 40 mean!

58°F = 14.4°C, 40°F = 4.4°C.

Currently it is 44°F = 6.7°C. With 4.6 MPH or 7.4KmPH.

But, just to be different, there is also a QR code to their results website in the bottom-right!

I hadn't thought about it before but it seems a little surprising to me that QR codes aren't more prevalant on TV. Is there any Ofcom thing about obfuscated (i.e. non-human readable) info like that?

Comcast is starting to relevant on NBCU channels and are selling some ads with them feature or TV show extras. On Today Show's Steals and Deals Segment they put it on screen to take you directly to the item.
Lorraine really should have been ditched on ITV.
Should have been but an argument to ditch programming all days considering the States have got themselves in a bit of a state.
Waking up to watch the leader of the free world declaring himself the winner of an election is a great, relaxing way to start the day Rolling Eyes
Andrew Founding member
Andrew Neil has now turned up on ITV
Meridian AM
Andrew Neil has now turned up on ITV

He is a regular contributor on "This Morning's View" on ITV.

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