As I'm sure you know, each party usually holds a massive convention of delegates to formally nominate their presidential candidate. Due to the virus, this year totally virtual conventions are taking place. This seems to have posed a bit of a challenge for the broadcasters as they are simply given a 2-hour party-produced feed to show (although it seems that content and timings have also been provided). In the past, the broadcasters would typically have talking head analysis for hours with speeches then taken live, dipping out of the other party promotional content. This year the condensed content seems to be mostly taken in full.
I've taken a few grabs of the coverage of the DNC virtual convention (so far). I've put in spoiler tags as quite a few images.
is the easiest for me to stream, so I'll start with them:
I dipped in and out of
at different times. Someone might be able to clarify if they are showing separate programmes on the broadcast network and cable channel. Either way, the look and feel is the same:
A tricky event politically for
Fox News
, they went with Hannity for half of the programme (who talks about other issues, then he cuts in when there is someone he wants to get annoyed with). Last night he was arguing with a pre-recorded speech from Bill Clinton, talking all over it, in a truly bizarre rant: