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The Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Thread

(February 2003)

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Andrew posted:
The 10.32am Yorkshire weather was presented by Steve Hadley this morning. The first time I've seen him on YTV although he could have appeared before. Jon Mitchell took over the rest from lunchtime.

He was on Granada Weather this morning as well, though he is always nervous I can say he isn't brilliant, but only once he has done a full day, he always shares with Jon or Debbie.
Andrew Founding member
I listened to a bit of BBC Radio Leeds this morning and noticed they are advertising frequently that "Today's West Yorkshire is changing, and so are we. BBC Radio Leeds, Monday 23rd August 8am" . Anyone know what's changing? is that when they are moving? or maybe a new jingle package?

Also I heard John Boyd playing a bit of Will Young during his morning show today, they really are modernising arn't they, in Peter Levy's day his playlist consisted of about a dozen records from 30 years ago, they'll playing a bit of Busted next!

Anyone know what Radio Leeds's ratings are like compared with commercial radio and other BBC local radio?

Oh and I don't like this new top of the hour jingle they are using thesedays, with the jingle coming before the time signal and the messy travel headline included within the news headlines, much prefered travel at :59 like it should be.
Last edited by Andrew on 10 August 2004 9:46pm
Katherine Founding member
Andrew posted:
Oh and Lisa Gallagher was on top form this morning with the weather dominated breakfast Look North bulletins with all the latest up to the minute details, I don't know how all the other regions cope with a recorded forecast.

The 'Ultimate Dilemma' on the 18:30s tonight - regarding the floods, there was one time when Paul Hudson was on both Emley and TF218836 at the SAME TIME!

What is a girl to do?
Gavin Scott Founding member
Katherine posted:
Andrew posted:
Oh and Lisa Gallagher was on top form this morning with the weather dominated breakfast Look North bulletins with all the latest up to the minute details, I don't know how all the other regions cope with a recorded forecast.

The 'Ultimate Dilemma' on the 18:30s tonight - regarding the floods, there was one time when Paul Hudson was on both Emley and TF218836 at the SAME TIME!

What is a girl to do?

*sniff sniff*

Can I smell a Belmont? Because if I can ...

*shakes fist*
Katherine Founding member
Gavin Scott posted:
Katherine posted:
Andrew posted:
Oh and Lisa Gallagher was on top form this morning with the weather dominated breakfast Look North bulletins with all the latest up to the minute details, I don't know how all the other regions cope with a recorded forecast.

The 'Ultimate Dilemma' on the 18:30s tonight - regarding the floods, there was one time when Paul Hudson was on both Emley and TF218836 at the SAME TIME!

What is a girl to do?

*sniff sniff*

Can I smell a Belmont? Because if I can ...

*shakes fist*

Erm..... are you reacting to the OS grid reference now?
Nick Harvey Founding member
In view of the floods, I caught a bit of Leeds' Look North tonight.

I recognised Christa, even through the ton-and-a-half of make-up, from my radio days in the same building as her, but who was the "Harry-Stand-In" who apeared to have never been in the same room as an autocue till tonight?

Rather poor, I thought.
Steve Founding member
Andrew posted:
I listened to a bit of BBC Radio Leeds this morning and noticed they are advertising frequently that "Today's West Yorkshire is changing, and so are we. BBC Radio Leeds, Monday 23rd August 8am" . Anyone know what's changing? is that when they are moving? or maybe a new jingle package?

Or maybe even both...
Katherine Founding member
Nick Harvey posted:
I recognised Christa, even through the ton-and-a-half of make-up, from my radio days in the same building as her, but who was the "Harry-Stand-In" who apeared to have never been in the same room as an autocue till tonight?

Rather poor, I thought.

That is Ian White - described recently in Yorkshire Life magazine as 'modest and charming'. I've met him and he is indeed both of those, but come on, who wouldn't be a little daunted with Christa in close proximity (apart from me but I don't count as I defy all logic)?
Nick Harvey Founding member
Katherine posted:
who wouldn't be a little daunted with Christa in close proximity?

Katherine Founding member
Nick Harvey posted:
Katherine posted:
who wouldn't be a little daunted with Christa in close proximity?


Are you of the Brian Perkins mould then?
Very strange - I was expecting here in Howden to receive Look North Hull and Calendar's opt-outs from Hull, and it looks like I have Christa and co. Smile

I watched both Calendar and Look North last night, and was impressed by both news magazines. Most of Calendar's reports were live OBs, with most of the reporters in jackets branded prominently with the YTV corporate logo unchanged since 1969! Smile They had Jon Mitchell in the studio talking about the floods, surprised they had no sports news (does Stephen le Fevre still present the local sport on YTV?) but good to see a London link up with Dan Bryan. And I realise that Christine Talbot is not the same female presenter I saw last week...

Compared to UTV Live, Calendar has a better flow, and an equally pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Shame the blue/yellow set is a bit vulgar but that's corporate ITV for you.

As for Look North, I'm already a fan of Christa Ackroyd. Her presenting style is warm, friendly, when she thanks viewers for tuning in to Look North she comes across as sincere and in touch with the audience, and has the right mix of formal presentation and regional flavour, and she doesn't take herself too seriously as shown by her fluffing her lines last night!

Good to see despite my confusion over which BBC regional news service I'll be watching, I still have Paul Hudson presenting the weather in his inimitable, precise style. Unlike BBC Newsline which I feel to be more contrived and gets the balance between news presentation and regional events and features wrong, the mix on Look North works better.

Shame the set is still clinging on to the 1999 BBC News look, coming from a revamped Newsline I thought I'd seen the last of beige circular panels! Smile

(OT - I'm settling in well to the job at the PA - editing the TV listings! Great job, and I love the area, I think I'm already developing a Northern accent)
Katherine Founding member
Col, if it's possible, get another wideband aerial and point it to TF218836. You'll be able to receive 'the other one' then....

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