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The Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Thread

(February 2003)

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DAS Founding member
Can't wait.
Katherine Founding member
Square Eyes, I am far from being a BBC freeloader! Instead I put money into the BBC's coffers theough purchasing official merchandise such as their Formula One 2003 season review magazine as well as the BBC's Top Gear magazine. I have the BBC Fame Academy DVD, CD album and book. I have Michael Palin's 'Sahara' and 'Hemingway Adventure' books etc, etc. So there you have it; I DO contribute to the coffers thank you all the same. In terms of its size, the BBC is far from wasteful. It has a far stronger corporate identity than ITV shown through semi-standardised news studios and graphics etc.

Turning it round, I strongly object to the fact that the licence fee gives me ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 as these are channels I rarely use and do not want congesting my television channels.
Katherine Founding member
Andrew posted:
As I mentioned about 6 months ago, Peter Levy has a small part in Last of the Summer wine.

The clip has just been shown on Look North and the episode will be shown this Sunday on BBC ONE, so make sure you all tune in!

I saw, and he looked.... erm.... interesting! Belmont never showed the clip, only Helen making a reference to keeping a close eye on BBC1 on Sunday night!!
A former member
DAS posted:
Can't wait.

Same here.

Methinks a few select members might have the Kleenex out on Sunday night...
Last edited by A former member on 21 February 2003 8:28pm
Katherine posted:
Turning it round, I strongly object to the fact that the licence fee gives me ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 as these are channels I rarely use and do not want congesting my television channels.

Confused The licence fee doesn't give you those channels at all. They are completely unconnected, and the revenue for them is raised through advertising -- and a lot of local advertising too, especially concerning ITV1 [and to a lesser extent C4].

You are, of course, more than welcome to tune these three channels out of your television set, or to skip them when flicking through the Sky EPG..
Katherine Founding member
TVDragon posted:

Confused The licence fee doesn't give you those channels at all...

Yes, but in order to see the channels, you first have to buy a set, which means (legally), you have to pay a licence to get a telly in the first place!
Katherine posted:
TVDragon posted:

Confused The licence fee doesn't give you those channels at all...

Yes, but in order to see the channels, you first have to buy a set, which means (legally), you have to pay a licence to get a telly in the first place!

No, you're presupposing the answer to your argument beforehand here.
You said, you resent the fact that the licence fee "gives you" those channels. It doesn't. They are *entirely* unconnected with the BBC, and this argument. They don't "bring" them to you. You are under no obligation to watch these channels, nor to tune them in. They are there free of charge. Seeing as you have no interest in them, and only in the BBC [for which you must pay], your argument makes no sense. ITV1, C4 and C5 needn't even come into the equation. They needn't ever be tuned in, nor paid for.

If, on the other hand, you *only* liked ITV1, C4 and C5 -- but NOT the BBC -- then the argument would work. You would therefore resent having to pay for the BBC, for which the licence fee is required, in order to watch the 3 channels you like.

If you don't want those 3 channels, you don't have to watch them -- they cost no more. If you don't want the BBC, tough luck, you still pay for it.
Andrew Founding member
David H posted:
I know I've mentioned this around a thousand times but have YTV considered producing a totally seperate version of Calendar for the Belmont TX area?

I think with Calendar you get the best of both worlds, the main news of the day, plus a round up from your particular part of the Calendar region.

Would a Hull programme be a bit dull away from the bright lights of Leeds?

Over to you Belmont residents, would you agree, or do you think a seperate Calendar would be better, lets say it could be presented by Vicky Locklin and Frazer Maude?
Katherine Founding member
Andrew posted:
I think with Calendar you get the best of both worlds, the main news of the day, plus a round up from your particular part of the Calendar region.

Would a Hull programme be a bit dull away from the bright lights of Leeds?

Over to you Belmont residents, would you agree, or do you think a seperate Calendar would be better, lets say it could be presented by Vicky Locklin and Frazer Maude?

they can do whatever they like, they won't be having me as a viewer!
Square Eyes Founding member
Steve in Pudsey posted:
Square Eyes posted:

You are what I call a BBC freeloader, and there are loads of them on this forum. You rant on about how superb the BBC is, with all of it's money wasting fads, BBC buses, wasteful digital channels, yet you don't provide a single penny to the coffers.

erm I read what Katherine said to mean that she lives with her parents so is covered by the license that they pay for. I fail to see how this properly licensed use can be considered freeloading.

No my point is, I disregard and I resent the calling that the BBC is "excellent value for money" from those that have never paid a single penny of the BBC's poll tax on owning a television. And there are lot of people on here who fit into that category.

They may find their opinions are altered when they grow up, fly the nest and find themselves holding the purse strings and making ends meet. Hence the BBC freeloader tag.

I thankyou.
Katherine Founding member
Don't you find though, that these 'freeloaders' pour plenty of money back into the BBC through BBC merchandise purchases, which includes paying 17.5 % VAT. I guess that lots of us pay one tax or another to the BBC.....

Anyway, if I get my job at the BBC, I'll repay the BBC in the form of hard graft.....
A former member
YTV is much better cos of Jo Blythe and Faye Barker and their big ...ahem...microphones! Laughing

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