Those were the ones I thought off the top of my head! It you've got any at all, feel free to fill in the form at the bottom of the page.
Asa posted:
I've nicked this from MHP, hope Ed won't mind!
'The latest rumour is that when ITV go onto Sky, within the next few months,
all regions will be available — channel 103 will be allocated your local ITV
The rest will have to be manually tuned in if you wish to view them.
How can we manually tune the channels in? Would we have to swap our local ITV station for another or could we swap other channels that we don't really watch for ITV stations? What will they be doing about opt outs such as Anglia's East and West subregions, Meridian's; Carlton Central's; Carlton Westcountry's........?? Thanx for any answers!
For opt-outs only
opt-out region will be chosen (whichever covers the largest area I guess!)
Your ITV region (defined by postcode) will automatically be put on ch.103 and you may be able to manually add regions by going to Services > System Setup > Add Channels and entering the details when they become available.
Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if unencrypted versions of the regions are available as 'tests' before the official switch-on later this year.
'The latest rumour is that when ITV go onto Sky, within the next few months,
all regions will be available — channel 103 will be allocated your local ITV
The rest will have to be manually tuned in if you wish to view them.
How can we manually tune the channels in? Would we have to swap our local ITV station for another or could we swap other channels that we don't really watch for ITV stations? What will they be doing about opt outs such as Anglia's East and West subregions, Meridian's; Carlton Central's; Carlton Westcountry's........?? Thanx for any answers!
Go to services, then Add channels and enter the parameters, easy!
A former member
The announcer on ITV last night said 'And now on ITV1' before Young, Gifted and Broke. Interesting.......
It occurred to me last night- maybe HTV are still using the spinning hearts because Carlton don't want to introduce a whole new look (you know, the stars) only to introduce another new one only a month or so later. It kinda makes sense when you think about it, as mere mortals who know nothing about presentation might get confused and blow up or something.
So why bother changing the idents at all in that case, only to change them again a few months later ? No, I honestly think that the rebrand to ITV1 was a quick, last minute decision that took most of the regions by surprise. If the launch of ITV Digitial is anything to go by I think that the rebranding exercise is going ahead too quickly and with little thought. The ON Digital name is still everywhere on the ITV Digital service. ONrequest is now called ITV Select in the channel list but the channel itself hasn't changed it's still branded ONrequest ! They just don't seem ready or at all organised.
I just hope that they aren't rushing this through, and we end up with some very mediocre idents, or worse still, the original ones doctored with a '1'.
(Edited by square eyes at 6:05 pm on July 13, 2001)
This has been organised badly IMHO. I personally would have done it as follows:
Talk to the regions about a new look and generally have a huge consulation process, finding what people perceive to be ITV's strengths, what they like about it, how they'd like it to develop; etc etc.
Go into development with new idents, programming, promotions. Get all the regions and companies involved instead of imposing things from Network Centre which builds up resentment.
Launch the promotion for the new ITV1 in a similar vein to the Get Ready campaign of 1989. Maybe end with a map of the UK showing all the regions with their own idents going then have them coming together to an ITV1 logo with the slogan underneath.
January 1st
Launch everything at midnight - new idents, style, mentioning ITV2 and ITV Sport Channel in continuity announcements. launch new programmes such as this Trafalgar Road we continually hear about but never seems to be getting close to the screen! Generally promote the company with a huge feel-good factor. Get all regions involved. Get lots of press coverage with a special programme at 7.00 on the 1st January presented by several big names going round behind the scenes explaining the changes and how it'd all work.
ITV must realise that if they are to succeed, they need a strong and successful corporate image. Unfortunately, they simply cannot do this with so many odd areas of the company.
For instance, as someone mentioned in another topic, their web addresses are not centralised - they must create a single website address ( or
Their two main problems in terms of rebranding are:
1. The public
2. The consortium members
The public will be baffled by the name change ITV 1. This would be minimised if ITV completely rebranded the whole company. Doing this in odds and ends (ITV Digital's rebranding is so far pathetic) is not satisfactory.
It will also be very difficult if groups like SMG, GMG, Carlton and the independents do not go for a generic branding. This will also contribute to the public's confused state (I'm not too patronising, am I?)
Basically, we need a generic ITV 1 (which simply will not happen) and a consolidated identity for ITV as a whole.
According to a rumour (that we have received from a usually reliable source within ITV D)- you can expect a major software update to your box within the next week or two- removing all the 'ON' logos from menus. The new menus will all be in blue and yellow- with this update including the now/next banner, the channel lists and ONrequest. It's not known whether they will rebrand 'ONsetup'. The update was rumoured to have been discussed at a major meeting at ITV this morning, discussing the rebrand. The update will be sent to your box automatically, or it may require an 'auto update'.
How short sighted of ITV Digital not to think of this before the relaunch went ahead, poor management in my opinion.
This has been organised badly IMHO. I personally would have done it as follows:
Talk to the regions about a new look and generally have a huge consulation process, finding what people perceive to be ITV's strengths, what they like about it, how they'd like it to develop; etc etc.
Go into development with new idents, programming, promotions. Get all the regions and companies involved instead of imposing things from Network Centre which builds up resentment.
Launch the promotion for the new ITV1 in a similar vein to the Get Ready campaign of 1989. Maybe end with a map of the UK showing all the regions with their own idents going then have them coming together to an ITV1 logo with the slogan underneath.
January 1st
Launch everything at midnight - new idents, style, mentioning ITV2 and ITV Sport Channel in continuity announcements. launch new programmes such as this Trafalgar Road we continually hear about but never seems to be getting close to the screen! Generally promote the company with a huge feel-good factor. Get all regions involved. Get lots of press coverage with a special programme at 7.00 on the 1st January presented by several big names going round behind the scenes explaining the changes and how it'd all work.
What does everyone think?
Good idea in theory, except I'm not sure New Year's Day would be a good day to launch, maybe the 4th or whatever the 'Back to School/Work/This Morning' was.
After all, all good regions
be using Christmas Idents on the 1st January!
(Still annoyed that YTV didn't even bother with Xmas idents last year, when I can't think of any possible reason why that couldn't
A former member
No, I honestly think that the rebrand to ITV1 was a quick, last minute decision that took most of the regions by surprise
Most of the regions? I think not! The decision seems to have been made by Granada and Carlton that between them
most of the regions.
Granted, though, SMG and UTV -- as well as Channel and Border (Capital is it owned by now?) -- probably were surprised, but they don't count. (Well, that might be what Carltanada thinks anyway )