The Newsroom

BBC World News from New Broadcasting House

14th January 2013 - The Worlds Newsroom (January 2013)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
NYTV posted:
So WN America is back in its usual set today.

Wasn't the DC studio being updated?

Apparently .. but there are no visual differences as far as I can tell.

Laura Trevelyan on twitter says it is now in HD.

And a note on the station seen in the DOG, Thirteen/WNET had been HD for years and their former studio was also the BBC New York bureaux
Quick title update on a BBC News Special with Tim Willcox in B on the NC and World
harshy Founding member
NYTV posted:
So WN America is back in its usual set today.

Wasn't the DC studio being updated?

Apparently .. but there are no visual differences as far as I can tell.

Laura Trevelyan on twitter says it is now in HD.

FFs when will it be HD in Europe Mad
Was just wondering whether anyone had a clip of the breaking news sting that is now being played?
Was just wondering whether anyone had a clip of the breaking news sting that is now being played?

Would be good if the news channel used that. News 24 used to have a Breaking News sting and sound effect. It was also briefly used in 2008 during the first week of the rebrand. Chances are they'd get accused of copying Sky News and the usual 'dumbing down' Daily Mail brigade will have a field day.
noggin Founding member
NYTV posted:
NYTV posted:
So WN America is back in its usual set today.

Wasn't the DC studio being updated?

Apparently .. but there are no visual differences as far as I can tell.

Laura Trevelyan on twitter says it is now in HD.

And a note on the station seen in the DOG, Thirteen/WNET had been HD for years and their former studio was also the BBC New York bureaux

Ah - hadn't realised Thirteen have moved out of the 33rd Street building. The BBC News bureau was effectively within Thirteen's office space. The down-the-line studio (which used a retroflective cloth and LED ring around the camera) was in a small office space, whilst World Business Report used to come from one of Thirteen's small studios that they permanently hired to the BBC (as the set was standing and not suitable for set and strike). The backdrop was from an HD camera on the roof of the building fed HD into the back projector (though the studio itself was 4:3 SD using BVP7s - ancient in 2005 when the Beeb moved in - I think) whilst the same feed was downconverted to SD 4:3 for the DTL backdrop. There was an HD DVHS tape machine supposedly to play in the HD backing for the projector in case the camera failed (though not sure if it ever worked).

Wonder how the Beeb work without Thirteen there - they were quite integrated.
What studio gallery is used for Outside Source?? Is it c or b?
Steve in Pudsey
On the basis that they used the floor of B when they were having trouble with the normal screen, I assume it will be B.
noggin Founding member
What studio gallery is used for Outside Source?? Is it c or b?

Pretty certain it's B's gallery they use.
What studio gallery is used for Outside Source?? Is it c or b?

It is Studio B's Gallery that they use for OS, the OS screen is permanently on the gallery screen bank as something like AUX9.
Given that B is still in use directly afterwards for Focus on Africa that would make more sense.

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