These would be lovely and adorable, also would the BBC One logo change in this idea?
Not a mock or a recreation but an outline idea for a set of BBC One idents that popped into my head yesterday evening. Obviously it's well outside the realms of what could be achieved on this forum, but I'd thought I'd share it - I mean, it can hardly be worse than Oneness.
The focus of the idents would be a Paddington-style CGI robin. Each ident would open with a wide-shot or two of it fluttering over the country, before the bird would descend. You'd then cut to a shot of it perched on something - with the height of the robin being about 1/3 of the screen. This would be the resolution of the ident and the bird would continue to twitch, move about and bob up-and-down while the CA speaks.
Where it is flying over and where it perchs is obviously open to plenty of variations - on a fence in the countryside with meadow blowing gently in the wind behind, on a town centre bench with people walking by, on a crossbar with a game of football going on, on a TV aerial on a row of houses, in a bird bath, etc. You could even have a news one where it perchs on the plaza outside NBH and it would definitely work for Christmas idents as well.
It would give BBC One a symbol that it's been lacking for years - with a robin being particularly apt as it is the unofficial national bird and the red-breast can be emphasised as the colour of BBC One. The opening shots would be a little bit reminiscent of the balloon idents and the resolution would have a similarly 'everyday' feel as oneness - but with a sweet, little robin bobbing about rather than some people gormlessly standing around. If you were pitching it to the BBC you could also add a bit of w*nky PR speak - 'the bird represents BBC One - flying through the air to all parts of the country like TV transmissions' etc.
I don't know, what do you lot think?
The focus of the idents would be a Paddington-style CGI robin. Each ident would open with a wide-shot or two of it fluttering over the country, before the bird would descend. You'd then cut to a shot of it perched on something - with the height of the robin being about 1/3 of the screen. This would be the resolution of the ident and the bird would continue to twitch, move about and bob up-and-down while the CA speaks.
Where it is flying over and where it perchs is obviously open to plenty of variations - on a fence in the countryside with meadow blowing gently in the wind behind, on a town centre bench with people walking by, on a crossbar with a game of football going on, on a TV aerial on a row of houses, in a bird bath, etc. You could even have a news one where it perchs on the plaza outside NBH and it would definitely work for Christmas idents as well.
It would give BBC One a symbol that it's been lacking for years - with a robin being particularly apt as it is the unofficial national bird and the red-breast can be emphasised as the colour of BBC One. The opening shots would be a little bit reminiscent of the balloon idents and the resolution would have a similarly 'everyday' feel as oneness - but with a sweet, little robin bobbing about rather than some people gormlessly standing around. If you were pitching it to the BBC you could also add a bit of w*nky PR speak - 'the bird represents BBC One - flying through the air to all parts of the country like TV transmissions' etc.
I don't know, what do you lot think?
These would be lovely and adorable, also would the BBC One logo change in this idea?