TV Home Forum

…and finally

News about TV Forum (March 2021)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
i was just going to say about putting the tv forum is brought to you on the final week

(PS) catch me on

thank you and goodbye
Asa and Roger Darthwell gave kudos
Thank you Asa for the past 20 years, it's been an honour to be part of TV Forum.

I'm on TV Live Forum now, so thanks and goodbye!! 👋
Asa, Mateus Honrado and SuperSajuuk gave kudos
Seems like discussion is now wrapping up here, so I’ll say goodbye now. It’s been a pleasure, maybe we’ll have some sort of conversation over the next couple of days, but for now, see you on TVL.
I would like to thank Asa for running this wonderful forum for so long. It was the second presentation related website I came across. My interest in TV pres started back in when I was 10 with The Den on RTÉ. I didn't even know what those cool animation sequences airing before shows were called. Eventually I came across The TV Room and not long later TV Forum. Ever since then my interest grew, eventually leading me to launch a presentation website. TV Forum was at the heart of it all! I look forward to the discussion continuing on TV Live Forum.
tesandco Founding member
I had planned to hold this back until the 31st as I'll be hanging around here until the bitter end. But as everyone else seems to be dropping out now, and after this month I'm taking a forum break in the immediate term, I may as well post this up now for those who still want to keep in touch.

So with more than a little nod to a certain Mr Preedy...
I'll still be checking this place over the next couple of days, but I don't know if I'll post again. So... Au revoir, sayonara, auf wiedersehen, adios. There are so many ways to say it... if you're going to TV Live Forum, see you over there. Otherwise, goodbye.
Before TVF closes, I wanted to join many others and say how much I've enjoyed visiting. Thanks to Asa and everyone else who has made TV Forum such a great place, best of luck Asa!

Despite somehow having a 7 year gap of no posts, I’ve just surprised myself looking back - joined in 2008, 13 years ago and basically visited everyday since... how time flies!

Let’s hope it doesn’t take me another 7 years to post on TV Live Forum!

Goodnight and thank you for watching Wink
To be honest I was going to hang on until the 31st, but considering how much things have quietened down today, I think this will be my last post here (unless the forum explodes into life tomorrow and Wednesday).

I can only reiterate what I said at the start of this thread, it has been a blast over the last 20 years here. To those who posters who may not choose to go over to the TV Live Forum, all the best and it’s been a pleasure contributing with you to this fine site. For those who already on TVLF then, I’ll see you over there and here’s to the next 20 years.

To Asa and the mods, I’ll keep this simple. Thank you very much for all of your efforts.

All we have to do is pick up the popcorn and turn off the lights
Last edited by nwtv2003 on 29 March 2021 7:25pm
Asa, Curto21 and Roger Darthwell gave kudos
With TV Live Forum now up and running, now seems to be a good time to bid farewell to TV Forum.

Having visited this site every day for eight years, it'll be strange to make the transition over from blue to purple, but I'm sure I'll get by. If the first day of TV Live Forum is anything to go by, we're in very safe hands going forward.

Heartfelt thanks to Asa, Bail, and Charlie Wells, (and not forgetting those who were part of the top table back when I was merely a pre-membership lurker), for keeping things on track here for two decades.

To put a positive spin on things, just remember that at least you'll no longer have to read through my tiresome posts about how awful Piers Morgan is. (Well, not here , at least...) Every cloud.

I've struck up some incredibly close friendships with users on this site, and I will forever remember that TV Forum was the genesis of these close bonds.

See you on the purple side, friends.

I've been on here for only about ten months (I think actually a full year since I was reading this forum since March 2020, but didn't create an account until a few months later) but I will miss this forum. I don't really know how to end this but I will be on TV Live Forum under the same name of CCFG, so see you there. I will keep track of this forum just incase something extremely big happens on the forum between Tuesday and Wednesday.
I've been visiting this forum since November 2001 - it’s kept me both informed and very entertained. I’ll always have fond memories of the many hours I’ve spent here.

I’d like to say a big thank you to Asa and the mods for all their hard work over the years, and I hope you enjoy your newly-found spare time.

All the very best, Jon.
johnnyboy Founding member
I don't know if this will be my last post as I am still coping with the grief!

Asa and the mods and everyone else, thanks for everything again for the last 19 years of my life.

TVLF seems to have got off to a roaring start so to Asa and Rob, thanks for such a smooth and dare I say very professional handover.

Cheers from JB.

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