The Newsroom

Newscaster of the.......Millennium

The Last Post (March 2021)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Those of you who know me well will know why I’ve chosen my 9747th post to be my last on this particular forum.

Apart from that slightly obvious reason, there’s another. And that is that the impending closure of TVF is - oddly - causing me anxiety. Lol. And I also don’t know why.

Well, I do actually. Since the turn of the millennium (give or take a year), TV Forum has been a place we’ve all visited from time to time. Some of us have visited practically hourly for those 20-odd years (Brekkie).

And all of a sudden, it feels like someone is dying. And I’m going to miss this place. I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your friendship and debate over the years. It’s been a blast.

Another odd reason for the anxiety is that as the clock ticks down to the last day: what will the last post be? Who will be the last poster? Who will be the last new member to join? Who will be the last person to be banned from the forum? And so on.....

Thanks once again to Asa and the team for giving us this playground in which to indulge our passion. I wish you all the best. And I’ll be one of the first to post over on the new TV Live Forum when it opens. It’ll be a new era and it’ll be fab too. Rob will make sure of that. (I taught him everything).

I’ll read the last weeks of this forum with delight and from afar and wish you all the best, folks.

And for one last time, three categories only. 3 ONLY!!!!

Overall Best Newscaster of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:


Overall Best News Programme of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:


Overall Best News Music of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:

itsrobert Founding member
Good evening, James. Liverpool calling. These are the results of tonight's vote:

Overall Best Newscaster of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:


Overall Best News Programme of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:


Overall Best News Music of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:

Overall Best Newscaster of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:

Simon McCoy

Overall Best News Programme of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:

Afternoon Live

Overall Best News Music of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:

Don't pay much attention to the music to be honest, Newsnight maybe
Rolling News
I’ve tried to think of a winner for each category, but I just can’t decide. So, I say everyone and everything in the news industry is a winner. Even Daybreak.
The SNT Three
Best presenter: Huw Edwards - dependable, versatile, authoritative yet up for a laugh. And he's probably moved around the least of all newsreaders since 2000!

Best programme: Channel Four News (honourable mention to Al Jazeera English, if a channel is permitted)

Best music: NRK Nyheter - not hugely inspired by anything in the UK but I might come back for several sneaky edits before Asa calls last orders.
Best presenter: Michael Buerk

Best programme: 100/beyond 100 days

Best music: Current ITV news package
Johnnie and Roger Darthwell gave kudos
Overall Best Newscaster of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:

Toss up between Peter Sissons, Trevor McDonald & Moira Stuart BIG MOIRA ALERT

I’ll have to say Sir Trev pips it.
Moira tragically wasn’t seen enough beyond 2000. And Peter gave a good performance during 9/11 and the Queen Mother but then was swiftly shunted to News 24.

Overall Best News Programme of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:

STORYFix with Emily Maitlis. A great humorous round up of the news which was probably ahead of its time.

Overall Best News Music of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021:

ITV News at Ten 2008-2009. A great 21st Century remake of the classic music - if spoiled slightly by not being a real orchestra. A travesty that it was barely used for longer than a year.
LondonViewer and Roger Darthwell gave kudos
Overall Best Newscaster of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021: Huw Edwards
Overall Best News Programme of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021: BBC News at Ten (BBC One)
Overall Best News Music of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021: BBC News 24 2007-2008
Gary McEwan
Overall Best Newscaster of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021: Alastair Stewart

Overall Best News Programme of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021: ITV News 2004 - 2006

Overall Best News Music of this new Millennium 2000 to 2021: BBC News 1999 - 2003
rob Founding member
Best presenter: Alastair Stewart

Best news programe: ITV Evening News

Best news music: STV News (2006-2012)
Best Presenter: JANE HILL

Best News Programme: CHANNEL FOUR NEWS

Best News Music: ITV News 2004-2006
Best presenter: Huw Edwards (tough call but whilst many have stood out for one decade or the other he has been there throughout).

Best news programe: ITV Evening News (delivers what you need to know in 22 minutes)

Best news music: ITV News (2009-2013)

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