TV Home Forum

…and finally

News about TV Forum (March 2021)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
BBC TV Centre
Very sad to see the forum is closing for contributions for good at the end of the month, and thanks to Asa and the mods for keeping the ship afloat over the years.

He's a good egg, not met him in person but we have emailed when I couldn't get my email changed and he does care for the place. However, it can be understood that he wishes to pack it in after two decades. It's a long time for anyone, and where we may have been spotty (or not) teenagers when we joined with endless time (or so it seemed) we are all much older with other varying demands of life.

I've only ever had one other username which got nicked in aftermath of the big crash of the early 2000s, so have not been through as many rebrands as some members or indeed channels.

Certainly been an interesting and unique community - who can ever forget some of the tall tales. If you're old hands to this forum think the first name of a similar vein to the male chart-topping member (rather large some may say?) of Cats the film and metal on the surname? Or how about the time someone started banging on about another kind of TV?

I've not posted as much as I once did, but it's good to see some old names here. Who'd have thought a venture onto the TV Home website and downloading ropey quality real video clips on a dialup modem in my teenage years of a rainy weekend would have had all us still here after 20 years or thereabouts...

Certainly grateful for those that have traded/sent items, and likewise those that I fulfilled the occasional request for. I do remember taping onto VHS some local BBC News for someone who didn't have Sky, so whoever you are that I did that for I hope you enjoyed a slice of the local news.

This forum has also been a constant in a world of change. Not everyone wants to be able to able to have their entire internet post history relevated by typing in their real-life name into Google, or indeed be doxxed because we don't agree with a certain viewpoint. It's also helped us to all maintain a sense of anonymity but community at the same time.

Thank you for everything. If we quote the old BBC line with some adaptation, we make it what it is.
Last edited by BBC TV Centre on 4 March 2021 9:15pm
Inspector Sands
Asa thank you for creating TV Forum and I have enjoyed participating for 18 and a half years. Is there any way a group of us could maybe look at continuing this Forum in another form? I would not know where else to go to get the latest information.

Rumour is that the TomD Netowork is being brought back as a replacement, watch this space for details Wink
Pete Founding member
Asa thank you for creating TV Forum and I have enjoyed participating for 18 and a half years. Is there any way a group of us could maybe look at continuing this Forum in another form? I would not know where else to go to get the latest information.

Rumour is that the TomD Netowork is being brought back as a replacement, watch this space for details Wink

please... no...
Alfie Mulcahy
Asa thank you for creating TV Forum and I have enjoyed participating for 18 and a half years. Is there any way a group of us could maybe look at continuing this Forum in another form? I would not know where else to go to get the latest information.

A spiritual successor is currently in development. See @tvliveforum on twitter.
Roger Darthwell and itvblocks gave kudos
Asa - thank you so much for two decades of fun and distraction!

I’d happily buy you a drink to say “thanks”... but in the circumstances, I wonder if there’s a favourite charity you’d like me to make a “thank you” donation to? I’m sure others might want to express their appreciation similarly where they can.
Asa, TVViewer256 and Matthew_Fieldhouse gave kudos
Pete posted:
Asa thank you for creating TV Forum and I have enjoyed participating for 18 and a half years. Is there any way a group of us could maybe look at continuing this Forum in another form? I would not know where else to go to get the latest information.

Rumour is that the TomD Netowork is being brought back as a replacement, watch this space for details Wink

please... no...

then netowork take over internet, then Asa please don’t ban me, then it’s scrambled, then sixth channel launch in March, then i’ve saw Ceefax closedowns in 1998, then new look launching BBC1 autumn. Wink
BillyH and james-2001 gave kudos
Since the forum is closing at the end of the month, perhaps on the final day we should allow Asa, Charlie and Bail the opportunity to slag off all the forum members who have pissed them off over the last few months and years, like The Purge but with insults.
Last edited by Jonwo on 4 March 2021 9:52pm
Tim Goodwin1
what will happen with the mock section?
Alfie Mulcahy
what will happen with the mock section?

Same as the rest of the forum. Closed.
Ian of old
Wowzers. I was here from the start too - originally just Ian and a lost password. I remember early PM chats with Asa in simpler times when we mainly discussed annual BBC power cuts - 20 years ago!

For all the reasons you cite for closing it - as a reader one became adept at skimming over the nonsense - because every so often there'd be a post that offered such fascinating insight it made it all worthwhile. Thank you for all you and the community have done here.
Hey, would i be able to have permission to use the tv forum branding to create a new version called all new tv forum
Pete Founding member
Hey, would i be able to have permission to use the tv forum branding to create a new version called all new tv forum

👏netowork 👏netowork 👏netowork 👏netowork 👏netowork 👏

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