I'm in the minority but I don't like the 6am opener at all it feels very stilted with the changes of music and voice over order. The date looks like something done on PowerPoint. I always liked the transition from the logo into the studio which is gone but its nice to see Charlotte get to do more than 2 minute summaries twice an hour and people actually get news at 6am instead of 20 mins of Piers ranting which we can look forward to from 6:30am
From itv…...This is Good Morning Britain...With Charlotte Hawkins...…...Live from Television Centre. to me that just doesn't sound right with so many pauses. the Television Centre bit at the end sounds out of place
The new opener just doesn't have the same fanfare that the previous one had. the music built up nicely to the transition into the studio now it just wipes on and those notes are wasted with a sweeping camera shot instead
Nice use of multiple presentation points
I also thought they were going to run out of the itv ident at 6am it seemed to last forever and faded to black
Last edited by richard h on 6 January 2020 6:55am - 2 times in total