The Newsroom

BBC News Virtual Studio

Behind the scenes (January 2021)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
This edition of the France 3 '19/20' news program is in a virtual studio due to union strikes, the way they try to line up the presenter to blend into the shot (but not quite getting the angles right) is reminiscent of the opening and closing shot of the 1993-1999 look where getting it wrong meant the studio looked larger or smaller than intended.

Starts at 16:02, note the 'floating' papers on the desk
BBI45 and Roger Darthwell gave kudos
Roger Darthwell
This edition of the France 3 '19/20' news program is in a virtual studio due to union strikes, the way they try to line up the presenter to blend into the shot (but not quite getting the angles right) is reminiscent of the opening and closing shot of the 1993-1999 look where getting it wrong meant the studio looked larger or smaller than intended.

Starts at 16:02, note the 'floating' papers on the desk

I'm surprised they did not cut it
Hatton Cross
No need. There was a cut to a two shot after the introduction from the news presenter, so viewers eyes would be drawn to the weather presenter, rather than noticing the levitating papers on the desk.

I had to watch it twice to notice the back-up scripts not sitting 'flush' on the desk. More noticable to be me was the green haze around the news presenters hair, just before the cut to the wide desk shot.
Roger Darthwell and Hadrien gave kudos

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