The Newsroom

ASSK Release

(November 2010)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
I found John Simpson's interview with the lady truly fascinating. I am sure I am not the only one who was rather surprised by ASSK's perfect Queen's English (almost BBC) accent. When a figure who has been silent for decades suddenly opens their mouth to speak, one is often surprised by what one hears.

(Not that I had any preconcieved notion of what her accent may have sounded like...)

A remarkably frank interview and one which, I felt, sailed rather close to the wind at times. Brave lady.
Demoting someone to an acronym seems a bit disrespectful - Suu Kyi (her surname) would suffice. Wink

Its amazing how the BBC are happy to say that John Simpson is in Rangoon (their almost publicising it) yet Sky are being very careful not to mention Lisa Holland's and Holly Williams' names.

Something tells me the BBC are sending the Burmese authorities on a wild goose chase with false names and locations.
WW Update
Chie posted:
Demoting someone to an acronym seems a bit disrespectful - Suu Kyi (her surname) would suffice. Wink

It's not that simple, at least according to Wikipedia:

Aung San Suu Kyi derives her name from three relatives: "Aung San" from her father, "Suu" from her grandmother and "Kyi" from her mother. She is frequently called Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Daw is not part of her name, but is an honorific, similar to madame, for older, revered women, literally meaning "aunt". She is also often referred to as Daw Suu by the Burmese, and as Dr. Suu Kyi, Ms. Suu Kyi, or Mrs. Suu Kyi by the foreign media. However, like other Burmese, she has no surname (see Burmese names).

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