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ITV Rebrand 65th Anniversary

The network's whole new look after seven years of the handwritten style. (August 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
J. Lyric
Okay, so.

This is a direction you tried, the execution was decent, as one lad put it, and it seems to have resonated badly with people.

The next thing to do would be to take all this feedback into consideration, and mold your mock accordingly... least, that's what I believe should be done.
I like the patterns for each channel, the endcards and ECPs. Although I'm not too sure it's fitting for all of the channels (especially CITV and ITV2). I'd love to see this be "modernised" in some way.
Octothorpe and Owen A gave kudos
I think the ITV Hub card sums it all up for me, if I saw that on TV I would just look away again. It doesn't look appealing or attractive, it doesn't grab your attention.

Compare to what they have now and think "Would ITV want to replace their current look with what i've produced" and the answer to that unfortunately would be no.

ITV as an overall network is primarily entertainment, this new look does not say that in the slightest. It looks more like the look of a small indie channel hidden away somewhere on Sky.
Owen A
Josh posted:
I like the patterns for each channel, the endcards and ECPs. Although I'm not too sure it's fitting for all of the channels (especially CITV and ITV2). I'd love to see this be "modernised" in some way.

Thank you!
Owen A
I think the ITV Hub card sums it all up for me, if I saw that on TV I would just look away again. It doesn't look appealing or attractive, it doesn't grab your attention.

Compare to what they have now and think "Would ITV want to replace their current look with what i've produced" and the answer to that unfortunately would be no.

ITV as an overall network is primarily entertainment, this new look does not say that in the slightest. It looks more like the look of a small indie channel hidden away somewhere on Sky.

Ok just wanted to see what an all serif network would look like.
DeMarkay and BiggieSMLZ gave kudos
Ne1L C
It's like water and electricity. They simply don't mix. If it was a late 1960/early 1970's style of branding then maybe it would be suitable but not for 2020.

It remind me very much of this:
Your idea is unique and interesting and I do enjoy the patterns on the end boards; and it’s a somewhat cute idea for the main channel... but only the main channel. The idea of the channel that shows Love Island and Ibiza Weekender suddenly having a logo that I can imagine being printed onto one of my Nan’s tea towels is quite amusing though.
I sorta dont like the logo. The way you need to look at it is "how do I grab people's attention with this logo" bit like what ITV did in 2013 with their logo.

I do like the colour scheme in the promo endboard but that's sorta it. I hope you can improve on this and make it better.
Alfie Mulcahy
This would look better under the name 'Financial Times TV' it's too beige for the 2020s and doesn't fit ITV's general laid back feel I'm afraid. The trailer boards look too similar to the breakdown slides, CITV looks [no offence] like solid text and has no character (which is kinda needed on a kids channel) and ITV2 looks way too much like the beeb's second channel in the late 20th century.

One thing that does stand out as nice are the coloured patterns for each channel which look very nice and fit the network for the most part.

If the FT ever diversify and go into TV though I'd put money on it looking like this.
Last edited by Alfie Mulcahy on 5 August 2020 5:32pm - 3 times in total
Owen A
This would look better under the name 'Financial Times TV' it's too beige for the 2020s and doesn't fit ITV's general laid back feel I'm afraid. The trailer boards look too similar to the breakdown slides, CITV looks [no offence] like solid text and has no character (which is kinda needed on a kids channel) and ITV2 looks way too much like the beeb's second channel in the late 20th century.

One thing that does stand out as nice are the coloured patterns for each channel which look very nice and fit the network for the most part.

If the FT ever diversify and go into TV though I'd put money on it looking like this.

Thanks for your honest feedback. I understand where you’re coming from, thanks for your kind words on the promos. I think I’m going to use them and design a new logo, even though many seem to like the 2013/2019 logo I’ve never been keen. I think a Sans Serif definitely needs to be in the main network logo after having read yours and other members’ feedback. Thanks 😀
Owen A
I sorta dont like the logo. The way you need to look at it is "how do I grab people's attention with this logo" bit like what ITV did in 2013 with their logo.

I do like the colour scheme in the promo endboard but that's sorta it. I hope you can improve on this and make it better.

Thanks I’ll try and do so!
Nancer was right to say ‘no... just no’ to this. I’d say the same thing honestly.

Yes, it does stand out, but it stands out for being very bland and quite dull. Branding also counts as marketing material and shapes the tone of the channel.

It doesn’t feel like ITV at all. Like other people has said, it looks like a broadsheet newspaper, or even a clothing line. I know you wanted this but the tone and entire brand does not suit a commercial entertainment broadcaster, and in some cases that is fine, but what we’re seeing here is just, again, really dull.

If I were you, I’d turn the entire idea upside down and start from scratch again.


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