
A member since 18 October 2009

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Final post


…and finally

Don't post on here all that much but love reading through the various threads and topics.
Will miss the forum a lot.
Thank you Asa for providing us TV geeks/fans with a great place to meet and converse.
Let's hope the TV Live Forum can become as popular.

Enjoy your "retirement" Asa Laughing
MarkT76, interestednovice and Asa gave kudos

Highest kudoed post


Oneness on lockdown - new idents for BBC One

People on here complained that the oneness idents weren't showing social distancing, now they are... still complaints Razz

Never happy here.

If that ident was brought out in normal times then yes it would be a bit lame.

But consider the limits of what can be done at the moment and the obvious desire to keep the theme and slogan they've been using for the last few years.

Look at what ITV managed to do with their idents though. The current kids create idents look very professional and were made with short notice. There is no excuse for the countries biggest broadcaster to come out with rubbish like this.