A surprisingly restrained resume under the circumstances which sums up the DS death by moderation downward spiral perfectly.
Someone at Hearst really needs to put the DS forum out of it's misery as it's at least 3 Years past it's sell by date, along with the bug-ridden Vanilla software (237 Pages of gripes and counting).
Your description of " a po-faced paradise for the professionally-outraged " is perfectly judged, as is the description of the need to second or even third guess the written word to pre-judge if there's any potential for 'offence' to be caused in the very likely case some rabid, slavering PC warrior decides to target in order to, in a lot of cases unjustifiably, 'call it out' in order to make themselves look morally superior & display their 'woke' credentials.
I rarely post there any more, as I came to the conclusion a while back it mainly isn't worth the time or energy of thought if the whole thread can be brought to it's knees & closed within a very short space of time at the whim of the woke troll, who DS will seemingly back to the hilt regardless of how badly behaved they are if they happen to identify in a category.
I do miss the genuine posters who have a keen interest in the actual subject being discussed, but realise spending any length of time commenting in detail on DS can often be a futile exercise.
Well for what it's worth my ban appears to have been lifted - I've been a jolly cheeky boy and a naughty sexist and I should be very grateful that they're allowing me back in at all, apparently.
For anyone who is interested, here's my tupennysworth on it elsewhere:
For anyone who is interested, here's my tupennysworth on it elsewhere:
A surprisingly restrained resume under the circumstances which sums up the DS death by moderation downward spiral perfectly.
Someone at Hearst really needs to put the DS forum out of it's misery as it's at least 3 Years past it's sell by date, along with the bug-ridden Vanilla software (237 Pages of gripes and counting).
Your description of " a po-faced paradise for the professionally-outraged " is perfectly judged, as is the description of the need to second or even third guess the written word to pre-judge if there's any potential for 'offence' to be caused in the very likely case some rabid, slavering PC warrior decides to target in order to, in a lot of cases unjustifiably, 'call it out' in order to make themselves look morally superior & display their 'woke' credentials.
I rarely post there any more, as I came to the conclusion a while back it mainly isn't worth the time or energy of thought if the whole thread can be brought to it's knees & closed within a very short space of time at the whim of the woke troll, who DS will seemingly back to the hilt regardless of how badly behaved they are if they happen to identify in a category.
I do miss the genuine posters who have a keen interest in the actual subject being discussed, but realise spending any length of time commenting in detail on DS can often be a futile exercise.
Last edited by Dai Jestive on 10 March 2020 6:36pm