Another observation on UTV these days, is Pamela the only announcer who now does UTV-produced adverts for local shops of the Spinning Wheel/McBride's Fashions ilk - which now have progressed from PowerPoint slides to mostly being animated?
Part of me still wishes those kind of adverts remained slides where the announcers read the scripts out live with muzak playing in the background Then again, that would mean an actual person being in the continuity studio in daylight hours.
Rose Neill has just referred to "ITN" linking into the news - that's the ITV News, not UTV Live - regional news for ITV in Northern Ireland today? You must be joking.
Part of me still wishes those kind of adverts remained slides where the announcers read the scripts out live with muzak playing in the background Then again, that would mean an actual person being in the continuity studio in daylight hours.
Rose Neill has just referred to "ITN" linking into the news - that's the ITV News, not UTV Live - regional news for ITV in Northern Ireland today? You must be joking.