You can either write an expression (I am too thick for this) that offsets each character or manually keyframe each letter change on the text
I.e TV FORUM and then a frame later VF ORUMT and so on.
As Bail previously said think about how they would have done it when they created it and you won’t go too far wrong.
I honestly think you should start with stills though, you can’t just jump in with something like AE and learn it overnight, I know my way around it but I’m by no means perfect or an expert.
I.e TV FORUM and then a frame later VF ORUMT and so on.
As Bail previously said think about how they would have done it when they created it and you won’t go too far wrong.
I honestly think you should start with stills though, you can’t just jump in with something like AE and learn it overnight, I know my way around it but I’m by no means perfect or an expert.
Effect expressions are amazing. It will allow you to manipulate any property to give a specific result. It's like algebra math for video.
After Effects expression's utilize the JavaScript coding language to perform the calculations.
I have some code/After Effects plug-in that can perform what is required. Documentation isn't the best, but it works (classic developer dilemma). I would recommend looking over some Video Tutorials online to learn the power of After Effects expressions. Video Copilot is a good starting block (particular the earlier videos).
Here is my source code for this "Text Scramble" effect.
After Effect's implementation is more of a character jumble where it cycles through all the entire alphabet, instead of performing a character offset.
If you want to have a play at the JavaScript coding, try copying the content's of " Character Offset.js " into the Expression Control of a Text Layer.
Replace the " effect(***).value " text with a value.
- "Slider" effects need to be replaced with a Number ,
- "Checkbox" effects need to be replaced with a true or false
Normally an expression control is paired to those variables
You can either write an expression (I am too thick for this) that offsets each character or manually keyframe each letter change on the text
I.e TV FORUM and then a frame later VF ORUMT and so on.
As Bail previously said think about how they would have done it when they created it and you won’t go too far wrong.
I honestly think you should start with stills though, you can’t just jump in with something like AE and learn it overnight, I know my way around it but I’m by no means perfect or an expert.
I.e TV FORUM and then a frame later VF ORUMT and so on.
As Bail previously said think about how they would have done it when they created it and you won’t go too far wrong.
I honestly think you should start with stills though, you can’t just jump in with something like AE and learn it overnight, I know my way around it but I’m by no means perfect or an expert.
Effect expressions are amazing. It will allow you to manipulate any property to give a specific result. It's like algebra math for video.
After Effects expression's utilize the JavaScript coding language to perform the calculations.
i'm doing decoding. I can't find one similar to the one bbc news uses in the past with the scrambled place names. is there a proper name for that?. i'm just testing at the moment
I have some code/After Effects plug-in that can perform what is required. Documentation isn't the best, but it works (classic developer dilemma). I would recommend looking over some Video Tutorials online to learn the power of After Effects expressions. Video Copilot is a good starting block (particular the earlier videos).
Here is my source code for this "Text Scramble" effect.
After Effect's implementation is more of a character jumble where it cycles through all the entire alphabet, instead of performing a character offset.
If you want to have a play at the JavaScript coding, try copying the content's of " Character Offset.js " into the Expression Control of a Text Layer.
Replace the " effect(***).value " text with a value.
- "Slider" effects need to be replaced with a Number ,
- "Checkbox" effects need to be replaced with a true or false
Normally an expression control is paired to those variables
Not especially. Why not put all your compositions into one, in the order you want and render that to the right length of time?
say your finished your titles. i want them to play in full. how do i do that?. i don't want just one comp rendered if that makes any sense?
Not especially. Why not put all your compositions into one, in the order you want and render that to the right length of time?
I’m sorry for all the questions. I just got after effects for the very time first time and I’m just trying to master it all by myself. just need some help but I’ll get there in the end. I have ASD and it’s no excuse just hoping to get at it with all the advice.
Last edited by Ballyboy on 22 January 2021 10:43am - 2 times in total
Can I join in asking questions too?

Last edited by DavidWhitfield on 22 January 2021 6:36pm