Inspired by another thread I made a VERY quick setup for the old ITV for Schools animation, its only like 5% there but I wanted to have a thread where people can ask "how would I do x" and where possible people can put their suggestions and ideas. Not full mocks but simple techniques for rigging and animation to help inspire others.
See if you can turn this:
Into This:
Download Project File
To fully understand this you'll need to research After Effect code eg "time*x" (I've used a simple code to make the animation move forever, you can use key frames but knowing these tricks makes animation very simple). Look into nulls and how they can be used to animate objects and offset objects. Layer masking (how I've done the colour) and how I've nested a 3D comp into a 2D one to make the background etc.
If anyone has any requests on basic projects I'd be happy to look into them. Keep in mind I'm a cameraman not a visual effects guru so if you have any better tips please share them too.
See if you can turn this:

Into This:

Download Project File
To fully understand this you'll need to research After Effect code eg "time*x" (I've used a simple code to make the animation move forever, you can use key frames but knowing these tricks makes animation very simple). Look into nulls and how they can be used to animate objects and offset objects. Layer masking (how I've done the colour) and how I've nested a 3D comp into a 2D one to make the background etc.
If anyone has any requests on basic projects I'd be happy to look into them. Keep in mind I'm a cameraman not a visual effects guru so if you have any better tips please share them too.
Last edited by Bail on 23 February 2021 12:26pm - 5 times in total