Mass Media & Technology

ITV Hub: Trapped in an infinite loop of ads !

(September 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
As title. Mrs MM was watching a programme about Sheridan Smith today. She pressed stop 10 mins from the end, with the intention of resuming later.

On resuming, she's was trapped in a 10 min loop of ads. I've just had a go. The same. I've tried playing from the start, then fast forwarding to the last ten minutes, but guess what ?

I know you can't fast forward through the ads, but this is lunacy ?
London Lite Founding member
Paying £3.99pm for ITV Hub+ really is worth it purely to remove the dire ad rotations.
MarkT76, Matthew_Fieldhouse and Markymark gave kudos
If you watch ITV Hub through Sky there are no ads. I think you get any programme sponsorship at the start, but you can fast-forward through that.
Meridian AM and Markymark gave kudos
If you watch ITV Hub through Sky there are no ads. I think you get any programme sponsorship at the start, but you can fast-forward through that.

Interesting, I'm on the verge of signing up with Sky anyway, (one of our sons works for them, so I qualify for 'friends and family' discount 😎)

Mrs MM managed to see the final 10 mins. I started the prog from the beginning, and went for our evening walk, which lasts 45 mins!

First World problems!
This happened to me too, tried resuming Supermarket Sweep and was succumbed to an endless loop!
ITV Hub user experience is just awful. So buggy.
I don’t understand why the ads aren’t YouTube length. 4 mins worth of ads is just bonkers.

ITV catchup on Virgin is also ad-free, bar the sponsorship.
Neil Jones Founding member
ITV Hub user experience is just awful. So buggy.
I don’t understand why the ads aren’t YouTube length. 4 mins worth of ads is just bonkers.

ITV catchup on Virgin is also ad-free, bar the sponsorship.

They are ad-free on Virgin (and Sky) as you get them that way as a benefit of your subscription.
4 minutes worth of ads on the free hub is no different to watching it on TV as a normal broadcast, no?

4 minutes worth of ads on the free hub is no different to watching it on TV as a normal broadcast, no?

No, it's not, but 10+ mins in a Groundhog Day loop of misery is !
MarkT76 and DeMarkay gave kudos
DVB Cornwall
No problem with in programme ads on a commercil channel's VOD service or the odd short pre-run trailer, but On Demand infers that you want the programme there and then. Stuff the in programme breaks with an additional ad if they must, and perhaps if scrolled to a mid-point run a couple of ads then, I think we'd all agree to that.

For ITV(1) content I always use the STV player accessed via a deliberatley chosen valid Scottish Postcode submitted in the sign-up process. A quick short Bank of Scotland ad and you're in. Better quality too.
MarkT76, DeMarkay and Markymark gave kudos
ITV Hub user experience is just awful. So buggy.
I don’t understand why the ads aren’t YouTube length. 4 mins worth of ads is just bonkers

ITV aren’t in the position where pretty much all their content comes into them for free, at least initially. They also don’t have anywhere near the level of traffic of YouTube to be able to afford making the ads YouTube length.
No problem with in programme ads on a commercil channel's VOD service or the odd short pre-run trailer, but On Demand infers that you want the programme there and then.

I think implies would be the better choice of word, for future reference.

19 days later

I haven't had the ad loop. What happens on mine, is that I'll watch a show til the last ad break, ad break will run fine, then when the show starts again, I'll see a split second of it, then get the three loading dots forever.

Then when I restart the app, I'll try and watch it again, and there's no resume option.

And the less said about their subtitle setup, the better...

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