
News at Ten - Weeknights on ITV1

jrothwell97 posted:
itsrobert posted:
Anne MacKenzie Fan posted:

Even I think this piece on News at Ten is harsh!

What a twisted story. He's got some nerve stating that the team at ITN need a lesson in journalism, if that's the best he can do. He would have to pick NAT's lowest viewing figure of the week to conclude that people are deserting the 'sinking ship'. He fails to point out that the viewing figures were back up there on Thursday night with the Heathrow news. Here's a reality check for him: it's only been back a week...surely a bit too soon to be making judgements like NAT is a 'sinking ship'. Furhermore, I've never seen a chatshow use a studio like NAT! He's clearly off his rocker.

It's surely just because it had a feel that was more like the Independent than the Daily Mail . Or the Guardian , for that matter.

pffft. are you joking? i hope so. i thought it still had a rather sensationalist air about it.