
A member since 8 July 2018

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BBC News Virtual Studio

Does anyone know if a green screen was used on the One and Nine Oclock News for when the presenter would speak to a guest or correspondent on location as they would always turn to their right and from memory a panel would appear?

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Naga Munchetty | BBC DG Overturns Ruling

And now it transpires that the original complaint also alluded to Dan Walker as well.

It couldn't get much worse for the BBC and Breakfast. This could spell the end of Breakfast's dominance in the ratings. Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid are already courting Naga Munchetty over to Good Morning Britain. I'd be amazed if Naga's resignation alone isn't announced in the next few hours / days.

Good job, BBC. Way to dismantle one of your most prolific programmes.

I find it very unlikely that the average person will refuse to watch BBC Breakfast due to this. Most people probably wont even know this has happened and this that do will still continue to watch as it is an easy way to digest the news!