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WWE on BT Sport

(January 2021)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
I’ve been noticing lately that during live WWE programming the BT Sport WWE bumper appears as they’re about to return to the live feed only for a bit of black screen and an advert for a programme on USA (who WWE use for RAW and NXT in the US) before returning to the programme. I don’t remember seeing this when WWE was on Sky Sports so does this mean BT are cutting back to the live feed early?
Last edited by Bennyboy1984 on 21 January 2021 4:08pm
Blake Connolly Founding member
WWE does not come as a dirty network feed, so any promotions you might see would be part of the programme being fed to the world (and what the world are being counted to come back to), not anything that is part of any break that might be going out on the US networks.

Generally there'll be an effort to cover it up if it's not just promoting something BT shows anyway (like one of those reality show featuring WWE personalities or their online shop).

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