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Old Granada Studios to become “All Studios”

(July 2018)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
The old thread has been archived. A development in the long running Old Granada Studios story. It looks like the current owner wants to re-equip the site (after a fashion) so that it can once again host shiny floor audience shows. Presumably they’ve seen the obvious gap in the market for multi purpose medium sized studios and want to exploit it. Good for them. However, I’m slightly worried about the line where they say they want to keep it economical, and keep 4-wall spaces with facilities for multi camera tv productions as required. That sounds like drive-in arrangements to me, where the studios have no permanent galleries, just connectivity to the outside where an OB truck can be parked up when needed. Better than nothing though I suppose.
The end of that article states the following:

"Also within Enterprise City will be a 200-bedroom hotel run by Soho House and a refurbished 1960s brutalist block, which will be reopened as the ABC Buildings, providing space for film, TV, media and tech companies."

So it looks like Granada House is being retained then.
Night Thoughts
Will fit in well with all the redevelopment and regeneration in that part of Manchester. Good news - much better than it becoming an Ikea.
ToasterMan and DJ Dave gave kudos
I hope this will work out. It will mean more access to studio space, especially the lack in central London.
Inspector Sands
Thing is, how much are the studios at Media City used? If they're still empty a lot of the time this isn't going to help the shortage in London
This is old news. Allied London, the owners of Old Granada Studios, announced this as far back as March 2017.
Here's an article published by ProlificNorth on 9th March last year:

Granada’s historic studios will produce entertainment shows again.
They’ve not been used a great deal as far as I can tell under the current situation but that may well be because of an almost total lack of technical infrastructure. I think they’ve found most use as exhibition space, band rehearsal rooms etc.

44 days later

Anyone can rent Studio 6 now:

Set within the Old Granada Studios on one of Manchester’s most bustling streets is Studio 6. Previously used from 1956-2013 as a recording house, the studio has a fascinating history, and is now available for events.

76 days later

Lou Scannon
Just read this article about the Old Granada Studios.

At one stage, there was talk about all/part of Granada House becoming a bespoke hotel called something like the "(Manchester) Grande Hotel" (a name presumably chosen because at a quick glance "Grande" is similar enough to "Granada" to be misread). Is that no longer happening, then?

I liked the idea of red neon signage with almost-looks-like-it-says-Granada wording being restored to the Manchester skyline.

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