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More4 goes wrong

(January 2007)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
During and after the More4News ad break, things went horribly wrong:

*The (last?) ad of the break was cut off as they went back to the show
*The presenter started to talk, but was quickly cut off as they went back to finish the ad break
*After a trailer, they then held the "Next" caption for about a minute (it kept animating, but silently)
*It then went back to the news as if the false start hadn't happened, but squashed to widescreen (M4N is still 4:3)
*It clicked back from 16:9-->4:3... then, in the middle of a report, they suddenly cut and showed the first two ads of the next ad break, squashed to 4:3. The end of the second ad was then held for 30s to a minute, silently.
*It then abruptly cut back into the news, which shortly after changed back to a 16:9 squash where it stayed for most of the rest of the programme.

At no point did either a continuity announcer (ha!) or the newsreader apologise for this farce.

Then, after some relative normality, the screen went black & silent abruptly near the end of the first part of The Daily Show . I gave up at that point.

[Putting it here because it's a continuity %^&*-up, not a news problem, even if the news was affected.]
Lewis c
I think that continuity is pre recorded on More 4 though Confused
Irish Dan
Lewis c posted:
I think that continuity is pre recorded on More 4 though Confused

MORE4 and E4 are both LIVE during the peak hours.
Must of been someone from E4 in charge tonight then! Laughing
an advert appeared in the middle of ten years younger on c4 last night too.
Ah the ease of automation. Laughing

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