The Newsroom

BBC Parliament Rebrand/Reithed

(and back in the BBC News style) (February 2021)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
PATV Scunthorpe
On the subject of ticker or flipper, it has stayed as a ticker... from the looks of it, it is another white bar which gets overlaid on the existing white bar, but with a section cut out to show to date.
That makes sense, because when they're showing pre-recorded content, the white bar is used to identify when and where it's coming from. That's why they'd want to keep the ticker, live bug, clock etc. as separate elements.
<pedant> They haven't fully rebranded to Reith as their logo on the iPlayer is still in Gill Sans. </pedant>
Neil Jones Founding member
Josh posted:
<pedant> They haven't fully rebranded to Reith as their logo on the iPlayer is still in Gill Sans. </pedant>

Not the only inconsistency, BBC Three's ||! logo doesn't appear on the iPlayer but it does on the BBC Three homepage, but not the programme pages and then you've got that BBC Three DOG that appears on the BBC One output...

Actually BBC Parliament had been just as bad previously, I did post some screenshots a while back: - showing three different Parliament logos/typefaces that all went out in the space of five minutes.

How long until BBC Parliament goes HD (if only for iPlayer...)
James Vertigan Founding member
How long until BBC Parliament goes HD (if only for iPlayer...)

Are the cameras in the Commons/Lords chambers HD compatible? *
The News Channel has had some HD footage, so I think at least some of the cameras have been upgraded, and until recently the transmission lines out were still SD.
How long until BBC Parliament goes HD (if only for iPlayer...)

Are the cameras in the Commons/Lords chambers HD compatible? *

Those cameras in the pictures are from the mid to late 1980s, and possibly so is the photo. The larger one is a Sony BVP-3P, and I remember setting it up in the workshop. I don't know what the smaller Panasonic is for, possibly an off line 'snoop' camera

Those Sonys were retired yonks ago.
Hatton Cross and valley gave kudos
Do they still have the small 'ball' cameras mounted on the edges of the Speaker's Chair?

Those cameras in the pictures are from the mid to late 1980s, and possibly so is the photo. The larger one is a Sony BVP-3P, and I remember setting it up in the workshop. I don't know what the smaller Panasonic is for, possibly an off line 'snoop' camera

Those Sonys were retired yonks ago.

I believe that the original cameras were replaced somewhen around 2002-04, but very much in need of an upgrade.

In terms of galleries, I don't think you can beat the radio gallery which is inside the chamber itself - in fact they actually ripped out some of the government benches in 1976 to install it!
James Vertigan Founding member
How long until BBC Parliament goes HD (if only for iPlayer...)

Are the cameras in the Commons/Lords chambers HD compatible? *

Those cameras in the pictures are from the mid to late 1980s, and possibly so is the photo. The larger one is a Sony BVP-3P, and I remember setting it up in the workshop. I don't know what the smaller Panasonic is for, possibly an off line 'snoop' camera

Those Sonys were retired yonks ago.

Ah yes, here’s a more recent chamber camera taken from a GettyImages video showing social distancing measures in the chamber


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