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ITV1 Mocks >> Recommended by Jay and Ison!

(May 2002)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Naturally these would be the evening / nighttime idents, due to their dark nature. Could you design a daytime one?
A former member
Well, I can't design the actual ident because I don't have the background image that I like in a big enough size, so instead I have uploaded the small image:

...which would be used in the same way as the nighttime image. This picture would be for Granada as it is the Harris Museum in Preston, and I think that again, it is a nice colourful image which would work really well.

Also, someone said about the Central Cake. Well, the logo wouldn't feature, it would simply be the same as the Granada ident, except it would say Central! I know some of you will say about the lack of regionality, but I think that the regional locations are more important as they prevent confusing dual-branding and allow a more coherent corporate image.
Joff Hopkins
I think they're slightly reminiscent of the UK Gold (maybe UKG2?) ones, what with the fireworks.

Nice stuff.
James Martin
I thought you could have two "columns" for the logo so the cake would be on the left but on the right of that cake you had ITV1 and then Central beneath that. Do you get what I mean? Just have the cake to the left of the ITV1 / CENTRAL bit. It would work really well for a new Central News look too...

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