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BBC One in 2018

Expanding on Xmas 2017 in a 'Oneness'-less future (March 2018)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
RDJ posted:
So I've taken on your feedback and made some amendments. The main amendments with the logo I've made is removing the red and also changing the transition to be more subtle. I've also not gone for the bold version as before in some, which considering I'm using Avenir means this is now the same as the BBC Two logo, which I actually personally don't mind apart from that horrid box (unless you're in NI).

I've done four different versions this time:
- The first one is the same as before but slightly smaller with the lessened weight on the 'One'. I'm not sure I'm keen on it myself.
- The second version is bringing it to line to reflect how it is now. All kept much smaller and located within the centre bottom of the screen. I've kept the lessened weight 'One' for this one.
- The third is the same as the second but with the bolder logo as before.
- And the fourth is keeping it exactly how it is in the oneness idents with the current logo. Except minus the horrible oneness tagline.

And sorry for the slight glitches in the video. At least it's not the text this time.

The last one works really well with the current logo.
Prefer how you did the location text on the original. I think with the music being upbeat the logo needs to make more of a punch and animate on to screen in a fairly obvious, rather than subtle, manner - and actually be a crucial part of the ident, not just slapped on at the bottom as an after thought. With the symphony soundtrack there are kind of two parts of the signature hook, and to me that would work well with the BBC logo revealing itself in the first part and then the "one" part in the second.
Quatorzine Neko and Michael Power gave kudos

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