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BBC News set recreations

(February 2009)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
I used a couple of minutes out of my day a while ago to recreate the BBC News sets of 1999 and 2003 (News 24) using Powerpoint.

This is the finished product along with an idea to combine the animation of the VR set of 1993 and have the logo animate off.

Like I said no real motive for this except to recreate the sets but thought I'd upload it and show you all.

A couple of minutes? Evidently.

Sorry, it just doesn't make the cut.
What exactly is this supposed to be? Is it supposed to be a recreation of the set, or the graphics?

RDJ posted:
It's just strange how your comment says it doesn't make the cut yet it's been rated good by 3 people. However you are entitled to your opinion of course.

I only see one vote, and that's for 0/4 stars.


RDJ posted:
Any reason why?

They're not spectacular no and it's just the main presenter camera shot but there's only so much you can do in Powerpoint and I thought it was worthy to post on here.

It's just strange how your comment says it doesn't make the cut yet it's been rated good by 3 people. However you are entitled to your opinion of course.
dosxuk posted:
What exactly is this supposed to be? Is it supposed to be a recreation of the set, or the graphics?

RDJ posted:
It's just strange how your comment says it doesn't make the cut yet it's been rated good by 3 people. However you are entitled to your opinion of course.

I only see one vote, and that's for 0/4 stars.


RDJ posted:
Any reason why?

They're not spectacular no and it's just the main presenter camera shot but there's only so much you can do in Powerpoint and I thought it was worthy to post on here.

It's just strange how your comment says it doesn't make the cut yet it's been rated good by 3 people. However you are entitled to your opinion of course.

Well it's a recreation of the set like I said. The graphics are just there for effect and they're not exactly hard to make.

And yes apologies I looked at the wrong mock star rating, hence why i deleted the post like anyone else would.

Despite what I said, I did spend a bit of time on this (an hour or two) making sure it looked alright and tweaking it before i posted it so constructive criticism is more than welcome rather than just 'doesn't make the cut'.
You won't receive much criticism at all if you insist on using megaupload. Who's going make several extra clicks and wait to download mock they already know is less than brilliant? Use instead!
Don't upload a PPT, upload JPG, PNG (in fact even GIF is better than a PowerPoint file) - and then use Metropol's upload service, and post the image in [IMG]URL[/IMG] tags.
But then you miss out on the animations.
Well WMV, AVI, some sort of MPEG then.
Though the animations aren't vital, I've posted powerpoint mocks before and were recieved very well.
Oh you changed the hosting, well done. Now I can give an un-hypocritical opinion of this mock: Doesn't match the description, vast majority of it is a photo from somewhere else, fairly pointless.

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