Kodi Krypton 17.0 released I'm glad I'm able to have Kodi and SBMC on the Fire TV. Some addons aren't compatible with Krypton still. So for now, I'll use SBMC for some and Krypton for others which work beter. By London Lite 6 replies 744 views LL 2 FebLondon Lite
Netflix Questionnaire Thank you very much for all of your responses. No, I'm not American. I did not want to include the illegal sector as I am asking for the participants email address. In that way, I also guarantee that... By Danrella 4 replies 682 views DA 8 Feb - 15 FebDanrella
Virgin Media Ireland/Horizon On demand content Hi all and hope you can help. I've moved to the Irish Republic and signed up to the Virgin Media Horizon service and have a few problems that Virgin Media can't (or won't) help with. Whenever... By steddenm 0 replies 205 views ST 23 Febsteddenm