The Newsroom

BBC News Channel General Discussion

(November 2013)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Steve in Pudsey
Does Studio E have a cyc rail? Would it be possible to pull a green screen in front of the windows and key in the newsroom backdrop? Given that the automation theoretically knows where the cameras are, would you need the targets on the roof kind of thing to be able to have the background move with the cameras?

That kind of set up might give a bit more flexibility in certain situations.
noggin Founding member
Does Studio E have a cyc rail? Would it be possible to pull a green screen in front of the windows and key in the newsroom backdrop?

I don't think there is a cyc rail - though I may be wrong. I'm pretty certain there isn't the kind of lighting rig you'd need to light a cyc evenly for chromakey/CSO though.

Given that the automation theoretically knows where the cameras are, would you need the targets on the roof kind of thing to be able to have the background move with the cameras?

The automation doesn't know where the cameras are. It simply recalls pre-set shots. The Furio camera control system may know where the cameras are and where they are pointing, but I don't know if that is anywhere near accurate enough for a VR rendering system to make sense of, or whether the data is available in a useful format that would make sense to a VR rendering system. Nor do I think there are the additional Viz-engines per camera installed to allow this to happen, nor the additional licences for the VR software, nor the upstream keyers (or Ultimattes) nor a model built that would work in that environment.

For a very occasional decamp, the cost is unlikely to be justifiable, when there is a studio available.
London Lite and Steve in Pudsey gave kudos
Steve in Pudsey
Thanks for that. I was thinking more generally rather than specifically about decamping. For example Dateline London could look better with the skyline backdrop that World use in C rather than the newsroom. It would also mean they could do the Film Review in E rather than having to do it in the slot when the News Channel are in C.
I don't understand the point about The Film Review. It is part of the BBC News at Five and has been for years - hence using studio C.
Steve in Pudsey
The point is that it has a very specific look which couldn't be achieved in E. So if there was a wish to reschedule it they couldn't, it has to be in the 5pm hour.
What are they in a different studio at the mo, or have I missed something ?
What are they in a different studio at the mo, or have I missed something ?

The BBC News channel and the National bulletins are in Studio D this weekend as a reshuffle goes on in the newsroom.
Selwyn Froggatt
A reshuffle?
A reshuffle?

Desks and electronics are being moved around apparently. A reshuffle of the current plan of editors in the centre on the newsroom with specific channel desks panned around it.

Old plan
Studio D with Gavin Esler to start the weekend


Not liking those gaps between the BARCOs.
Jonny posted:
Studio D with Gavin Esler to start the weekend


Not liking those gaps between the BARCOs.

I think they are plasmas
noggin Founding member
Jonny posted:
Studio D with Gavin Esler to start the weekend


Not liking those gaps between the BARCOs.

Err- those aren't Barcos, they are (almost certainly) plasmas - probably Panasonic 103" (or 85") at a quick guess.

"Barco" is a brand of display, they used to do CRT broadcast monitors, but now specialise in video walls (not just for broadcast but for industrial control rooms) - with "Barco wall" usually taken as shorthand for a wall made up of 4:3 DLP rear-projection cubes with thin lines between each cube. C4 News have a wall of them, and the old TVC News sets were based around them. Barco also have LED-screen products, which are usually coarser resolution and a bit 'pixelly' (or soft because they've been diffused), but they are less frequently called "Barcos".
Last edited by noggin on 14 June 2015 12:05pm

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