Shiver is yes, but it was commissioned by UKTV.
Isn't Shiver an ITV Studios brand? Could it have been made for ITV but passed on to UKTV instead?
Shiver is yes, but it was commissioned by UKTV.
A former member
New really idents have appeared. I think the shorter ones are being used for daytime
Daytime typically uses the 10s idents, idents with announcer appears 4pm onwards. If any is heard before 4pm then it's the generics.
New really idents have appeared. I think the shorter ones are being used for daytime
Daytime typically uses the 10s idents, idents with announcer appears 4pm onwards. If any is heard before 4pm then it's the generics.
Last edited by dbl on 28 August 2017 3:27pm
A former member
So this just makes the challenge interesting how to get all the new idents with CA

Right now they're showing the 2002 Xmas special of AFAH.... in 4:3. Which I can't really understand, they've shown it in 16:9 countless times before, why would they even have a 4:3 copy of it?
A former member
A former member
A former member
we now have four! pics to come soonish.
Founding member
Daytime today on Really from what I caught have seemed to be still using the existing ones for all the 'short' airings at least so it may be the shorter 10s edits of any new ones aren't on there yet. But once we've hit 4pm and the longer junctions with continuity appear, some new ones have started up again. This seemed to be in use for both the 4pm and 5pm junctions.
(Have the proper names been spotted anywhere for these yet too?)
(Have the proper names been spotted anywhere for these yet too?)
Last edited by tesandco on 29 August 2017 5:24pm - 2 times in total