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Thank You Asa!

(March 2021)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
tesandco Founding member
This is such a great idea from Brekkie and SJHoward (and thanks to Rob too for running with it). Asa has provided such a great home for us all here over the years, never asking for a penny from any of us in return. So to be able to say even a little thanks for all those years by supporting a good cause like this now is a great thing! This is definitely a community I will miss from next week.
Ben Founding member
Nothing proves that TV Forum has been a community in the truest sense of the word that the generosity shown here.

If Asa didn't already have enough to be proud of with keeping a site going for 20 years and the community he has built. Definitely ending on a high.
So I donated £20 this afternoon (basically £1 for every year TVF has been in existence) that and the gov't is also contributing an extra fiver on top of that thanks to the Gift Aid scheme. It ain't much, but it is for a very worthy cause after all.
Happy to donate to a fantastic cause, and also as a thank you to Asa for the great friends I’ve made and great discussion I’ve had.
DE88 and DavidWhitfield gave kudos
Asa Admin
This was a really nice idea. Thank you Rob, Brekkie and Simon. And I agree, a lovely sentiment from David.

It's a illness that has sadly touched my family in a devastating way so any donation to the charity would be fantastic. Thank you to everyone who has already donated. But it is tough for a lot of people right now so obviously do not worry if you can't.
London Lite Founding member
I've also donated as a sign of my appreciation of being part of this community.
A really lovely idea.
rob Founding member
£835. Wow!

Thank you to everyone who has donated. That is an incredible amount of money.
That it strange, why i have an error when trying to donate?
rob posted:
£835. Wow!

Thank you to everyone who has donated. That is an incredible amount of money.

£915 now. We're nearly there!
Just added a pound for each year, and hit the £1000 jackpot! Such a great idea to raise money for charity in thanks for TV Forum. Thanks again Asa for the past 20 years.
Amazing work folks to smash the £1000 barrier in 24 hours - certainly didn't expect that when I was talking the idea through with Rob just a couple of days ago. Thanks to all those who have contributed or shared the details of the fundraiser and it is great that it is going to a cause which is clearly close to Asa's heart.

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