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Friday on ITV 1 (January 2006)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
jay Founding member
Andrew posted:
It was nice hearing "Live from Manchester..." at the start of tonight's final.

Good to see big primetime shows being made up North.

I expect this will be the start of Cilla coming back to ITV1. Maybe she could do a daytime chat show, Weekdays at 5pm!

I don't know... Granada Manchester - who won again? Oh yes, someone from Coronation Street. Rolling Eyes

Cilla at 5pm? Against her all time favourite person Paul O'Grady? I don't think so! Wink
Andrew Founding member
jay posted:
Andrew posted:
It was nice hearing "Live from Manchester..." at the start of tonight's final.

Good to see big primetime shows being made up North.

I expect this will be the start of Cilla coming back to ITV1. Maybe she could do a daytime chat show, Weekdays at 5pm!

I don't know... Granada Manchester - who won again? Oh yes, someone from Coronation Street. Rolling Eyes

Cilla at 5pm? Against her all time favourite person Paul O'Grady? I don't think so! Wink

She could do the bit of the year where Richard and Judy are on the other side! Laughing
jay Founding member
Andrew posted:
jay posted:
Andrew posted:
It was nice hearing "Live from Manchester..." at the start of tonight's final.

Good to see big primetime shows being made up North.

I expect this will be the start of Cilla coming back to ITV1. Maybe she could do a daytime chat show, Weekdays at 5pm!

I don't know... Granada Manchester - who won again? Oh yes, someone from Coronation Street. Rolling Eyes

Cilla at 5pm? Against her all time favourite person Paul O'Grady? I don't think so! Wink

She could do the bit of the year where Richard and Judy are on the other side! Laughing

I can't see it myself! ITV will no doubt have a big ace up their sleeve to pull out soon..
Put The Telly On
So long as that Duncan(-I go now) from Blue bloke and Middlemissmuffet don't have their own show at 5 I think we're safe.

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