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Return of old adverts

(December 2009)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
russnet Founding member
and most products are likely to be on sale still in its current packaging which means practically free advertising in itself for the companies concerned but packaged as Entertainment!
Apparently, Marketing types have conducted some research that suggests people who see old advertisements associate that product or manufacturer with being trustworthy, familiar and commercially stable - it having been around for so long. I can see the logic in that.
A former member
So why not rebroadcast this then?
Neil Jones Founding member
So why not rebroadcast this then?

There's an interesting thing that I've seen on-line that Shake & Vac is something you can get high on, legally.
Whether there's any truth in it I couldn't possibly say. I very much doubt it though.
DJGM posted:
Of course, nothing says Christmas like a convoy of blindingly lit, over-decorated red wagons, carrying an extra
large consignment of fizzy, gassy, sugary, syrupy, seriously over-rated, tooth rooting sh*te, now does it ... ?!?

I have to be honest ... I absolutely, thoroughly, totally, and utterly HATE and detest that bl**dy advert!

Me too - although it has more to do with the fact that generally we don't refer to this time of year as 'holidays' in this country that winds me up.
I was very surprised to hear about the old Accurist advert with John Cleese being re-shown. I know that in the 1980s some quite old adverts were still running, but the re-showing of old adverts in recent months is something that hasn't happened on TV for quite some time - I can't recall any old adverts being re-shown in the late 90s or early-mid 2000s.

I noticed in the Milky Way advert how the line had changed from "smart old blue" to "good old blue" but I didn't notice the other changes that have been mentioned on the forum.
I can't recall any old adverts being re-shown in the late 90s or early-mid 2000s.

I remember the 1981 Turkish Delight "desert" advert was shown for a few weeks around the summer of 1999, it seemed to make the odd comeback every few years.
I remember the Turkish Delight advert being re-shown now you have mentioned it, Col. I think the Aquafresh and Accurist adverts must be the oldest ones to be re-shown on British TV, although I could be wrong.
105.53 Parbold

I noticed in the Milky Way advert how the line had changed from "smart old blue" to "good old blue" but I didn't notice the other changes that have been mentioned on the forum.

I wonder whether that particular change was made in response to the obsession with non-elitism that has plagued us for the past two decades.

Well, you can't go round calling people smart, can you? Might upset those who aren't as bright...

I know - it exasperates me as well.
I think it's more to do with that eating a fattening chocolate bar may not be seen as "smart" these days
105.53 Parbold
besty posted:
I think it's more to do with that eating a fattening chocolate bar may not be seen as "smart" these days

True, but I don't think the health police would call it "good" either!

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