Hugh Edwards The Best??? Ok, How do you think is the best news presenter... and why, got any video, sounds, pictures of them doing anything funny??? put them here, let othere enjoy!!! 12 By Bail 23 replies 1,052 views CL 15 Apr 2001 5:50pmcloud9
BBC News - uncovered! Has anyone else downloaded the BBC News Uncovered bit in Features section. I have a few points to make about it, The first Being that fantastci music, i've never heard before, does anyone have that? The second being Anna Ford, how unfunny is s... By Nick D 11 replies 781 views MJ 15 Apr 2001 5:25pmMJL
cnn music I have been looking for the cnn world news theme that is soft and slow, does anybody have it. I already have the themes from sound central. By sat101 4 replies 856 views CA 15 Apr 2001 5:24pmcat
BBC Prime Idents?? Does anyone have any BBC Prime idents (exaple above!) that could be put on the site, because I love them! Rob (Edited by Robert De Rosa at 10:20 pm on April 14, 2001) By Robert De Rosa 6 replies 353 views MJ 15 Apr 2001 5:17pmMJL
WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED ON TONIGHT'S ITV NEWS? Anyone just seen ITV Weekend News? It started with full screen headline clips (no graphics) and had no intro. Also, Nick Owen seemed to look up very quickly after the camera did the whole studio shot. By A former member 6 replies 826 views BB 15 Apr 2001 2:27pmBBCnewsemployee
BBC News at Six Did anyone notice that tonight, they used the BBC News Generic Short when returning to London istead of the BBC News at Six Sting? I hope Asa can capture the News at 1/6 Stings in Widescreen. 123 By itsrobert 24 replies 1,795 views CA 15 Apr 2001 2:03pmcat
Announcement This will be the last update for a couple of weeks as I will be away. I'm working on the update now and it should be all uploaded in the next hour. Please don't ask when the site is going to be updated and what is going to be on it because I us... By Asa 7 replies 216 views ST 15 Apr 2001 10:00amstaruk
A plea to all forum users Right, a bit of a plea here I'm afraid. Can you all stop going on about BBC bloody News!!!!! I know how much some of you love it, and I'll admit I'm growing quite fond of it, but I'm really getting sick of hearing about it! I'm not saying don't... By A former member 3 replies 170 views MA 15 Apr 2001 8:26amMartin
DOG EAT DOG Does anyone agree with me in saying that the Dog Eat Dog trailer currently showing has to be one of the best trailers the BBC have made? Eurika Johnson acts so well in , though some people may say it is ripping off The Weakest Link I would d... 12 By Martin 15 replies 506 views MV 14 Apr 2001 10:27pmMr Voiceover
BBC News 24 ad. Does anyone have this BBC News 24 advert. It is BREAKING THE NEWS advert, and it probabloy changed every week, due to the content I saw. This is fantastic, does anyone have it? 1234 By Nick D 40 replies 2,863 views AS 14 Apr 2001 10:03pmAsa
BBC Local News Has any region other than the East had a change of aston colour a few months back? They changed from light blue with red writing to creamy orange-yellow (not the ivory colour associated with bbc news) with red writing. 12 By staruk 14 replies 432 views DA 14 Apr 2001 7:42pmDAS
BBC NEWS HEADING FOR TROUBLE BBC News looks set for big trouble after news 24 gets slammed for offering its services free of charge over the internet as this is licence funded channel. 12 By Davidjb 17 replies 1,469 views CA 14 Apr 2001 7:39pmcat
Ringtone? At the risk of lowering the tone. Has anybody thought of composing a BBC News Ringtone, comeone we've got the wall paper, the screensaver and the sounds why not the ringtone! By Mich 7 replies 593 views ND 14 Apr 2001 3:01pmNick D
Real Media to AVI Download Tinra here (41kb) This program allows you to convert Real Media (.rm) files to Windows Video (.avi) The program has to be run through DOS and you use the command. 123 By Asa 30 replies 1,926 views BA 14 Apr 2001 9:38amBail
Contacting people at the BBC I am thinking of contacting one of the BBC News presenters, Has anyone written/spoke to anyone from the BBC whether its tv presenters or news reader or whatever As I said in another thread I have tried contacting people from UKTV but have ha... By Martin 8 replies 375 views IT 14 Apr 2001 9:01amitsrobert
ITV on Sky Digital ITV is getting closer to signing £20 million deal with BskyB. By Davidjb 5 replies 1,336 views DA 13 Apr 2001 11:30pmDavidjb
ITV News Having compared the BBC News output, with ITV's I have noticed how tacky the set is. OK, so it might have every colour of the spectrum splattered across it, but when they finally do re-vamp it (The amount of time ITV devotes to news is becoming le... 123 By Mr Voiceover 29 replies 2,508 views CA 13 Apr 2001 11:08pmcat
Advertise YOUR website Hi there, A simple deal. is a site dedicated to linking to other sites (quink being QUIck liNK) I am setting up a new page, coming on Saturday called TV Mad! It will have on it links to your website, if in return you link to ours. By Nick D 6 replies 378 views ND 13 Apr 2001 10:31pmNick D
SELF OPERATING TV STUDIOS Here in the North West, the BBC Breakfast bulletins are not from the usual studio. The usual presenter, Nigel Jay, has to click a button on his desk ( presume a console ) to get himself on screen. By Steve 10 replies 536 views IT 13 Apr 2001 9:50pmitsrobert
BBC Two ident to make a return! The grapevine has been calling and it is rumoured that an old BBC Two '2' ident (post 1991) will be making a short comeback for a little while. I don't know what it will be (I suppose we could suspect. By Asa 10 replies 1,377 views BH 13 Apr 2001 8:50pmBilly Hicks