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Oneness on lockdown - new idents for BBC One

Split from BBC Oneness - idents and presentation (April 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
It's 10 seconds not 2 seconds, and as you say it's part of a campaign that started with a much longer promo. In fact it's one of a number of 10 second cut-downs from that campaign. It's not out of context, because the longer promo and the rest of the collection of short promos gives it context.

It was out of context for me. I’m sure many people haven’t seem the promo either so wouldn’t understand the point of it.

Regardless, it hardly does any favours, does it? They can’t even string together the proper BBC News logo. Slightly amateurish to be appearing on BBC One.
The first time you see one short promo from a multi-promo brand campaign like this, it is of course going to be out of context. As I've said the context, and the point of it, comes from seeing the other parts of the campaign; which most viewers will see... unless BBC One was a channel they've just happened to stumble upon by accident and never manage to find their way back to.
Neil Jones Founding member
That campaign started on New Years Eve, it isn't new. They have changed some of the visuals in the meantime and chopped it up into chunks, I dare say there are copious revisions of it.

Re: "They can’t even string together the proper BBC News logo. Slightly amateurish to be appearing on BBC One. " - that'll be deliberate, same reason why the graphics always look off in drama and documentaries.
denton and Alfie Mulcahy gave kudos

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