That's a page I created back in the depths of 2003.
I sent it to a number of people, including RTS, who, obviously, removed the picture of himself before it went back to you, Lobster.
One or two on there who, as has been said, are either no longer with us or are behind bars.
I wonder if dear old Anthony Alldritt is still circulating London on a bus which is far too hot?
Nick Harvey
Founding member
lobster posted:
I'm afraid I didn't keep that, but I did have this - a real blast from the past - so who in that list are still here and posting?
That's a page I created back in the depths of 2003.
I sent it to a number of people, including RTS, who, obviously, removed the picture of himself before it went back to you, Lobster.
One or two on there who, as has been said, are either no longer with us or are behind bars.
I wonder if dear old Anthony Alldritt is still circulating London on a bus which is far too hot?