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Old ITV Idents Still In Use

(October 2006)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
I think that Thames continued to put the old skyline ident on programmes from 1988 onwards, particularly export copies. Mind you, they continued to use the 1976-84 version, not the 1984-89 one. Plus, I've seen an export copy of the first episode of Mr. Bean with the (1976) Thames skyline ident at the beginning - and the contemporary "triangle" endcap with the "for IT*" tag at the end! Shocked Surprised

Not only that, I've also seen export Bean copies with:

- Still of the 1984-89 Thames skyline at the end.
- A special "Thames International" endcap, featuring the 1990-92 logo on a blue background (similar to the domestic endcap).

Fortunately there have been example of Thames programmes from 1989-92 repeated recently and with the 1989-90 and 1990-92 "for ITV" endcaps left on. Smile The ITV3 repeats of Never the Twain (the final seasons of) last Spring, for example. Smile

(May I say that I prefer the 1989-90 version to the 1990-92 one. Wink )

Nice upload there! Cool
A former member
BillyH posted:
Bewitched_Fan_2k posted:
Johnny83 posted:
Any screen caps at all?

Had to look up the episode name and which season, but here you go

Bear in mind that the Thames spoof only appeared on screen for about half a second, though. No music or animation either.

Muisc? I think you wil found there was.
cosmo posted:

- A special "Thames International" endcap, featuring the 1990-92 logo on a blue background (similar to the domestic endcap).

Do you mean this one?

It is a bit strange as the caption is put in a rectangular box, something I haven't seen anywhere else. The font also differs from the usual logo.

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