I think that Thames continued to put the old skyline ident on programmes from 1988 onwards, particularly export copies. Mind you, they continued to use the 1976-84 version, not the 1984-89 one. Plus, I've seen an export copy of the first episode of Mr. Bean with the (1976) Thames skyline ident at the beginning - and the contemporary "triangle" endcap with the "for IT*" tag at the end!
Not only that, I've also seen export Bean copies with:
- Still of the 1984-89 Thames skyline at the end.
- A special "Thames International" endcap, featuring the 1990-92 logo on a blue background (similar to the domestic endcap).
Fortunately there have been example of Thames programmes from 1989-92 repeated recently and with the 1989-90 and 1990-92 "for ITV" endcaps left on.
The ITV3 repeats of Never the Twain (the final seasons of) last Spring, for example.
(May I say that I prefer the 1989-90 version to the 1990-92 one.

Not only that, I've also seen export Bean copies with:
- Still of the 1984-89 Thames skyline at the end.
- A special "Thames International" endcap, featuring the 1990-92 logo on a blue background (similar to the domestic endcap).
Fortunately there have been example of Thames programmes from 1989-92 repeated recently and with the 1989-90 and 1990-92 "for ITV" endcaps left on.

(May I say that I prefer the 1989-90 version to the 1990-92 one.