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ITV Hearts

(March 2001)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Viakenny posted:
When do you think the next ITV (and its stations) revamp will be?
2007, just after the new franchise holders come in, considering the last two generic logos (but not the heart idents -they came in 1999!) were 1989 (inverse triangle) and 1998 (hearts)!
Regional logos could, of course, change at any time! Have yoiu seen Yorkshire TV's website? It's got a 2D, 70's style chevron, on the local ident (present day) background, with a 'closed' message! LOL

(Edited by Spiring at 10:19 am on April 24, 2001)
Asa Admin
It would be nice to think they could launch new idents and ITV on SKY Digital all on the same day! Now, that would be worth seeing!

Cheers, Asa
Mich Founding member
I saw in my local co-op (its the only shop in my town that leaves its remotes out - and in my lunch hour I needed to know the score of England - France ok?) on the Sky Digital promo, it was going on about some settings and selection favourite channels or something (I havn't got sky Sad. ) and it had ITV on the list, forward thinking?

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