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Inconsistencies with re-branding?

(August 2017)

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Steve in Pudsey
There was a definite effort from Thames and LWT to not look too similar.

I think Transdiffusion have a letter from Thames to the effect that they dropped the original "From Thames" frontcap in favour of the skyline because it looked too much like what London Weekend were doing at the time.

That was some time before 89 of course, but probably little reason to expect things to have changed.
Pretty certain they didn't. Certainly I remember the surprise/disappointment of seeing ITV LWT ident at 5:15. I don't remember seeing it at all until then except in the Get Ready promo.

I remember too that weekend being intrigued what Thames' would look like on the Monday

If, as you say, LWT were the first and all the regions launched them on that day then presumably they all launched them at 7pm? In which case why would Thames have jumped the gun when it could just be a neat start on the 4th?

We've had this question before; Tyne Tees 'launched' the ITV look after CITV on the Friday as well.

There was no "next" slide before the break into Home and Away, then after the break the ITV Tyne Tees static ident appeared and Lesley Manners said "and now on ITV Tyne Tees, Home and Away". It was a real "WTF" moment. No fanfare, no full ident, no difference in graphics generally, just a change of look.
Spencer, DE88 and ToasterMan gave kudos
ttt posted:
Pretty certain they didn't. Certainly I remember the surprise/disappointment of seeing ITV LWT ident at 5:15. I don't remember seeing it at all until then except in the Get Ready promo.

I remember too that weekend being intrigued what Thames' would look like on the Monday

If, as you say, LWT were the first and all the regions launched them on that day then presumably they all launched them at 7pm? In which case why would Thames have jumped the gun when it could just be a neat start on the 4th?

We've had this question before; Tyne Tees 'launched' the ITV look after CITV on the Friday as well.

There was no "next" slide before the break into Home and Away, then after the break the ITV Tyne Tees static ident appeared and Lesley Manners said "and now on ITV Tyne Tees, Home and Away". It was a real "WTF" moment. No fanfare, no full ident, no difference in graphics generally, just a change of look.

I missed this, as I was in YTV-land at the time. I can’t believe the launch was so low key - not even the animated ident and jingle!

ISTR YTV launched their new look during the same junction, but played out the ident with (I think) Graeme Roberts quite enthusiastically proclaiming “This is Yorkshire Television, YOUR station on the ITV Network” over the start (chevron part) of the ident, before the jingle and animation began. Mind you, this phrasing varied very little in the subsequent junctions and became “old” very quickly.

For shorter announcements, YTV always used this chevron part of the ident (not really a still) whereas Tyne Tees merely used the IT* still as described above. I assume they didn’t have the means of playing out the start of the ident.

I notice that the actual cut of the jingle varied beteeen companies - fading out at different times, or having a definite end. Would these options have been offered to all companies, who then chose their preferred version?
ToasterMan, ttt and DE88 gave kudos
Yeah I remember YTV used the "Your station on the ITV network" catchline for quite a while.

In TTTV land we saw more of the look after H&A, with a couple of LWT-produced ITV promos, and a full ident going into the news, by which time Bill Steel had taken over. He also used the name "ITV Tyne Tees" several times during the evening (there was an invision link into Athletics from I think that evening on TV Ark), but they got bored of the ITV bit quite quickly afterwards (only a few days I think), and of course by Christmas they'd replaced the ITV logo on slides with TTTV.

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