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Granada to become ITV1 North West!

(September 2003)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
A former member
News broke today that In line with Granada's partner Carlton/LWT,{GMG}Granada is to alter its name to its regional area.In London it is now referred to as ITV1 London and in Wales ITV1 Wales.The Granada name will still exist as a production company and be used for news items on the channel but will be dropped from the channels identity.It will simply be named ITV1 North West
They also confirmed that ITV 1 was to end night time broadcasting at 2am and would be broadcasting a still ITV 1 ident over a blank screen {until nightscreen kicks off at 4am!!!!!!!!}In order to save money!!!!!!
A former member
Interesting... going back to the way of channel closedowns perhaps? Hopefully, they'll bring back the startup sequences (albeit modernised).

Don't suppose we'll miss much:
2:00 Now and Again (rpt)
2:30 Entertainment now (rpt)
3:30 Tonight with Trevor McDonald (rpt)

ITV1 North West - personally I don't mind the name change. There will be, of course, some doubt as to whether this post is true. If 'Granada' goes, I would expect "Granada Tonight" to go too.
Andrew Founding member
Richard C. posted:
News broke today that In line with Granada's partner Carlton/LWT,{GMG}Granada is to alter its name to its regional area.In London it is now referred to as ITV1 London and in Wales ITV1 Wales.The Granada name will still exist as a production company and be used for news items on the channel but will be dropped from the channels identity.It will simply be named ITV1 North West
They also confirmed that ITV 1 was to end night time broadcasting at 2am and would be broadcasting a still ITV 1 ident over a blank screen {until nightscreen kicks off at 4am!!!!!!!!}In order to save money!!!!!!

So can you link us to the press release then? Laughing
Steve in Pudsey
erm how can you have a still ITV1 ident over a blank screen?

*consumes a pinch of salt*
Richard C. posted:
They also confirmed that ITV 1 was to end night time broadcasting at 2am and would be broadcasting a still ITV 1 ident over a blank screen {until nightscreen kicks off at 4am!!!!!!!!}In order to save money!!!!!!

Slightly inaccurate quoting of the press release, I think. I'm sure it read that Granada will stop broadcasting quality programmes in 1998 in order to save money.

For goodness sake, how gullible do we look?
And how sad are you for using so many exclamation marks?
ohwhatanight Founding member
DJ Dave
It sounds dogey as why would they go and make the Granada TV website only a few months back it it is going to be ITV 1 North West. Granada is the oldest station still broadcasting on ITV so it would be a shame if it was changed.
Nick Harvey Founding member
Richard C?

Richard C?

That wouldn't be Richard Cranium by any chance, would it?
Whataday Founding member
DJ Dave posted:
It sounds dogey as why would they go and make the Granada TV website only a few months back it it is going to be ITV 1 North West.

That's actually the most convincing part of it, as that's a typical Granada thing to do!
Andrew Founding member
The nonsense about overnight gave it away, plus the fact that if it was true we'd be in page 12 of a thread by now!
Asa Admin
Richard, contact me with some proof of this and I'll remove your warning and unlock this thread, otherwise stop wasting people's time with this nonsense.

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