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GMTV kettle, toaster and cafetiere.

From £63.97 at all good Index stores. (December 2017)

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Watching a Nostalgia Nerd video where he's comparing a 1995 Christmas Index catalogue to an Argos from this year. Now this is from a time I would skip all this boring stuff and head straight to the toys, but I've never knew that GMTV had branded stuff like this.

Fingers crossed for a GMB Kettle for next Christmas!

From 13:50:
ToasterMan and bilky asko gave kudos
You'll never be able to tell today's kids about the excitement of flipping through the Argos & Index catalogues and staring at all the toys and other stuff you wanted (but your parents would never buy). Staring at a website just isn't the same!
Hatton Cross
Of course, as a boy growing up in the early 80's, you also headed to another page in the Argos catalogue, other than the toys, games or watches..

Glass shower curtains.. That's all I'll say Wink
A former member
Of course, as a boy growing up in the early 80's, you also headed to another page in the Argos catalogue, other than the toys, games or watches..

Glass shower curtains.. That's all I'll say Wink

Good job you never got your hands on the Kays or Grattans catalogues!
You'll never be able to tell today's kids about the excitement of flipping through the Argos & Index catalogues and staring at all the toys and other stuff you wanted (but your parents would never buy). Staring at a website just isn't the same!

Do you refer to the laminated book of dreams?
I always preferred Index to Argos, especially their end of season sales where they'd often sell their own-label stuff for ridiculous bargain prices like 80% off. Shame they disappeared.
Steve in Pudsey
To bring this back on topic, Index was part of Littlewood, thus Shop! Was essentially the TV version of the Index catalogue, just with added Debi Jones and Andy Crane.
A former member
Didn't Carlton also have products to buy?
Last edited by A former member on 24 December 2017 9:35pm
Inspector Sands
Didn't Carlton also have products to buy?

There were other brands called Carlton, I remember a Carlton bag for example. But that was a coincidence not connected to the media company
South Today
I do have a Carlton red towel!
Of course, as a boy growing up in the early 80's, you also headed to another page in the Argos catalogue, other than the toys, games or watches..

Glass shower curtains.. That's all I'll say Wink

Good job you never got your hands on the Kays or Grattans catalogues!

Kay has her own catalogue??????? Blimey! That lady is talented.
ToasterMan, London Lite and watchingtv gave kudos

11 days later

Gordon Ferguson
Still have the GMTV kettle, and in constant use. The toaster and cafetiere died long ago, but with repairs the kettle is still good - and a lot better looking on the worktop than stainless steel stuff. And it was made in the UK.*

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